Art and the philosophy of life

Comments on: "Sometimes the answer you get isn’t the one you expected…" (29)

  1. Yes! At what point do chicklets become henlets or cocklets..?! 🙂

    • They go through their teens and then become a bit more serious and take on more responsibilities which turns them into adults. They get training in their chosen fields of study, engineering, languages, fashion, cooking, healing, etc. so they just naturally go in their own directions based on their likes and talents. The chicklets help out in the nursery, kitchen and hospital, etc., and all of them can do many things because they are cross trained and enjoy doing multiple jobs. They think everything is fun. Chickens outside The Coop come of age by 6 months but the chicklets play and have fun until they are around three years old. By then they are expected to settle down a bit. The chicklets are indulged because everyone loves them and they make everyone at The Coop happy. Sometimes, during the teen years, a couple will bond and have chicklets of their own and if that happens they are considered to be adults.

      • Thank you for your full and complete answer! How lovely it is in the world of Chicklets 🙂

      • Most definitely. They don’t have any of the problems humans have because they love everyone and welcome everyone into their lives. They help each other and have fun no matter what they are doing. No one is mean or selfish, there is no violence of prejudice, just caring and love so the chicklets have perfect and fulfilling lives and they rescue others so they can have perfect lives as well. 🙂

  2. At first it was hard for me to accept the concept of a transpeeper, but after reflection i grew past my first intolerrant thoughts!

    • She’s not a trans it’s that no one told her that’s she’s a girl. A lot of the hatchlings don’t find out until someone tells them, before they leave the nursery. They are just chicklets until then. 🙂 I’m sure there are chicklets of every kind and no one cares because they all love diversity and think of everyone as perfect just the way they are.

  3. Reblogged this on Big Red Carpet Nursing and commented:
    Never let anyone restrict your options…

  4. Heartafire said:

    these Chiclet’s are obviously being raised properly!

  5. I love you and all the chicklets and everyone at The Coop! ❤ 😀

    P.S. True story:
    Brian just walked into the room and asked, "What are you looking at?" I said "Ckicklets" and he said "Ah, That's why you are smiling like that!"

  6. Yes you are!

  7. laurie27wsmith said:

    I always share the chicklets with Lorelle, one has to spread the cuteness around. This is such a great way to spread social commentary.

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