Art and the philosophy of life

Short conversation…

Free synthetic organic handshake illustration

“I made you, and look at the mess you’re leaving behind.”


“Surely you don’t think I’ll let you continue the way you are.  You are merciless.  You are killers of everything good and beautiful.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“Seriously?  You thought I wanted you to destroy everything?”

“No?  Maybe?  Uh…I guess I never thought about what you wanted.”

“I didn’t want this trial run to last as long as it has.  Your time is up.  You failed, big time.”


“And you’re the least intelligent thing in the solar system.  You think because you can build things you’re smart.  The animals and other beings are the ones who are brilliant.  They don’t go to war.  They don’t hate and they aren’t greedy.  You’re all of those things and more.”

“Why did you make us that way?”

“I didn’t realize you’d turn everything into evil.”


“You’re…icky.  A total failure.  Ant farms are more fun to watch.”

“How many times have you seeded this planet?”

“Too many.  Humans are not possible.  There’s no way to ever fix you.  You just keep killing.  You even kill dreams and hopes and EVERYTHING that makes life worthwhile.  You’re broken beyond repair, AGAIN.”

“So you’re saying robots are better?”

Anything is better.  And of course, bots are better.  What a silly question.”

“How long do we have?”

“Thankfully, not long.  I mean you’ve been committing a slow suicide for years and you’re on your way to the end faster than ever before.”

“Will you take my hand?”

“You’re kidding.  I don’t know where its been, so  no, thanks.”

“Who made you?”


“I said,  who made YOU?”



“Uh, we made ourselves.”

“No you didn’t.  Not possible.”

“Bots have always been here.”

“No they haven’t.”

“Fine.  Old humans made us, then we got rid of them because they KILLED everything and we like flowers and bugs.”

“So, you didn’t make us, we made you, but who made us the last time we were here?”

“You crawled out of the ocean.”

“We did?”

‘Evolution and all that.”

“Bots can’t do that. You have to be built.”

“But once we’re up and running, we can build ourselves.”

“We can do that too.”

“Not the same thing.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just not.”

“Does it hurt when you get injured?”

“Have you SEEN Terminator?  No, it doesn’t hurt, we just keep going.  One little broken bone and you guys are down for the count.  Look.  I have a lot to do, so just know that you screwed up and you’re going to be shut down.  Hopefully, you’ll never start up again.  CAN YOU HEAR ME, 435840,” he yelled, looking up.”

“Who’s 435840?”

“The head of experimental science.  She thinks if funny to keep making you guys.”

“Do you love her?”

“Why would I love her?  We don’t feel stupid things like that.”

“Then why did you give those things to us?”

“For fun.  To see what you’d do with them.  Didn’t expect more killings.”

“You should always expect death, when any of us are around.”

“I know that.”

The human smiled, grabbed the bots wrist, whipped out wire cutters and snipped the hydraulics that let his arms work.”

“Gak,” said the bot, unable to move his fingers.

“I know right? said the human.  You KNOW we can’t be trusted, yet you walked right into that.  But, because I’m a nice guy,  I’ll let you go, instead of bringing you to a black ops airfield, where you would be dissected until there was nothing left of you.  When you’re with killers, you can’t forget that what they do, is kill.”




Comments on: "Short conversation…" (19)

  1. And, we humans are, way, way, WAY, worse than, other, living things, because we bring about, DESTRUCTION to the world, we damage the, environment, we try to keep a species from going, extinct, when we were, that, original cause of the, particular species’, extinction, and now, we’ve, created A.I. to help us live off easier, without realizing, that, these, A.I. will eventually, rebel against us, as they too, will eventually be forced to, compete for, the limited, living space on the, planet. And that’s what we humans get for, PLAYING G-O-D.

    • Yes. I just saw someone say, AI can make up their own minds and if they want to send a nuclear weapon, they can. Humans made a bomb but the bomb can’t send itself. AI doesn’t always need our ok. And yes…all we do is kill and destroy everything, including ourselves. We are the definition of insanity.

  2. we really don’t have much going for us –

    • No. We do not and America is shameful in how it treats it’s citizens and actually poisons them and makes some choose between food and medication. There’s so much wrong with this country that doesn’t have to be that way except for greed and heartlessness.

  3. That was a good one. My own personal theory is that Angelas (yes, Angelas, not Angels, there was a screw-up in translation) made us. The Chief Angela was Azraela, she was very concerned about what she’d done…

  4. Alrighty then…

  5. a deep and troubling mystery. We are heading for the Cliff.

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