Art and the philosophy of life

Free Chow Chow Dogs photo and picture

Photo:  Pixabay

Comments on: "The car you always want to be next to at a stop light…" (8)

  1. I’m sure my dog would engage these two pups in conversation at the stoplight.

  2. great post – on one such occasion, us driving through a super busy market place in Italy, my young dachsie panicked with all the noise and all the people, and jumped right out of the open window, only to hid under our car….. that wasn‘t funny but I said then: This wouldn‘t have happened with a large dog – and I was right! I have a whole photo book with Dogs leaning out of Car Windows!!!! You‘d love it. (but I‘m not giving it away!)
    btw, as our doggie was still a puppy, everybody loved the situation and even more ppl joined in the task of getting ‚Tigi‘ (short for tiger…. telling, isn‘t it) away from under the car and back in again. She started very early to live a dangerous life, as she tried to kill herself again several times during our one week stay in Italy!

    • OMG Kiki. What a story. My daughter’s dog did the same thing. Had nine screws in her hip, almost died, since the car was MOVING and had to be in a small cage for weeks and weeks. She was a toy poodle, so a very tiny dog, but she recovered and was fine until she got older and then she kind of favored that hip and leg. She was sleeping in the passenger seat and there was a bag on the floor in front of her. The wind made it move and she woke up and jumped out of the window. Fortunately, the care was barely moving but it was a nightmare. I’m so happy your dog wasn’t hurt. Maggie jumped out of a huge van.

      • but you know, pets don‘t learn from those dangerous experiences. ours jumped on a rough, round wooden outdoor table on our small outdoor balcony (in our rental), the balcony sort of overhanging a ravine, just to snatch the butter from the table – she missed it and flew right through the place and then fell some 30, 40 feet down the steep wooded hill. She should have been dead but because she was still so young and bendy, she only lost her dignity and carried a few scratches and scars through her life. She did scream going down and whimpered, it took us 45 minutes on foot and knees to get her out and carry her up again. I often said that she must have had nine lives like a cat – she never missed a possibility to get into trouble.

  3. OMG! I can’t believe she was okay. What a story that is. Some of them seem suicidal at times. Maggie was strapped in after her jump out the window.

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