Art and the philosophy of life

Comments on: "Have fun with this one…Date a Girl who Reads…from: Myths of the Mirror" (12)

  1. This is awesome. I read at Diana’s. I love it.

  2. My pleasure…want as many as possible to read it.

  3. That was an awesome read! Why? Because I found myself so well pictured in it? HH made me fall in love with him because of his exquisite taste and choice of words (He‘s French spoken) and I admired his vocabulary greatly. Also, he wrote little but then it was always beautiful.
    Sadly, once married, his writing stopped completely…. we love each other anyway – but he‘s only reading technical, work-related or biblical literature and from time to time a ‚character building/explaining book, whereas I‘m often reading passages to him which make me cry, re-reading them. In fact, we should never have found each other but are bound by our love for who we are, what we believe in and making music & singing together. This is a wonderful post, thank you for sharing from that blog.

    • What a touching story, Kiki. I’m so sorry he stopped reading the things he once did. But your still in love and perhaps that will be enough.❤️

  4. I got such a kick out of Diana’s post!

  5. I love that one! I actually did a needlepoint of the top image in the post!

  6. Well, they better have it up next time you visit. 😂

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