Art and the philosophy of life

Archive for September, 2023

Good news…not for the rats but for everyone else

Something you must know…

Free Portrait Fantasy photo and picture

to ban a book
is to kill magic
to destroy dreams
and wonder
and that’s exactly
why the right wing
is doing it

Photo: Pixabay


Free Witch in a Corn Field Stock Photo

walking through
a corn field
at this time
of the year
may seem like fun
and it can be
but keep in mind
that life is full of
and if you happen
to meet a witch
along your way
I’d advise you
to be kind and
before you
down the


Photo:  Thirdman


a herd of elephants walking down a dirt road

Photo:  Simon Humler

Took thirty years….from: Stigmatis News

War…from: Stigmatis News

Don’t miss any of this artwork from: Life in the Mouse House

AZ QuOte: Terry Pratchett

A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest …
because she should be sure in her soul
that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.

A short story about pumpkins…

“What do you think about that?” she asked.

“Think about what?”

“My evil pumpkin theory, what else?”

“I don’t think there is such a thing,” he said, eating a cookie.

“You’re kidding.  There’s always an evil pumpkin at this time of the year.”

“It’s a pumpkin.  It can’t walk or follow you anywhere.  How evil could it be?”

“They can house evil spirits.”

“Even if there was an evil spirt inside a pumpkin the pumpkin wouldn’t be evil, the spirit would be, and it probably wouldn’t be able to leave the pumpkin anyway.  Besides, you could just keep the pumpkin outside and the squirrels would eat it.”

“Great, then there would be evil squirrels!” she said, running her hands through her hair.

“Squirrels are not inherently evil.  Destructive, yes.  Evil, no.”

“You just don’t want to believe that something as innocent as a pumpkin could be evil,” she said, standing in front of him, watching him eat two cookies at once.

“I never said pumpkins were innocent, I just said that I didn’t think they were evil.  I don’t think we have anything to worry about.  We aren’t in any danger from the pumpkins.”

“I hate that there’s a pumpkin patch behind this place.  I think we should move,” she said.

“Move?” he asked.  “I thought you loved this apartment.”

“I did, but I didn’t know about the pumpkins.”

He rose from the kitchen chair and put his arms around her.  “Let’s sleep on the subject and talk about it again in the morning,” he said.  “Everything makes more sense when the sun’s out.”

“Fine,” she said, and walked away.

“Evil Pumpkins,” he whispered to himself, going to the window to close the drapes.

That’s when he heard someone softly calling his name.

“Not funny,” he said, loudly.

Steven,”  whispered the voice.

That’s when he looked out of the window and gasped.  “No,” he said, clawing at his face, as he dropped to the floor.  “No.”


a pumpkin with glowing eyes surrounded by pumpkins


Photo:  Emilia Willberg



Sweet kitty…

Free photo and picture

tiny tiger
paws of white
your beauty
shines so very bright
I’d love to take you home
with me
and hug you
day and night



Photo:  Pixabay