Art and the philosophy of life

Reindeer tryouts…


The chicklets are getting ready for Chickmas.  Reindeer tryouts started this morning.  They know they can’t fly but that never stops them from trying.   We’ll just have to wait and see who ends up pulling the sleigh.


Comments on: "Reindeer tryouts…" (20)

  1. ha ha haaaaa…… The Christmas to come one day too early (or something like that – old American film)

  2. My dear… have a lovely quality of seeing things through child eyes. It is very uplifting.

  3. There is always a chance and Christmas is magic after all….

  4. Ha ha, hard work! They need some reindeer 😊🌟😊

  5. Hahahaha!!!!
    I want to do a post with the Chiclets 12 Days of Chickmas…. the second one. I did the first one.

  6. Maybe if they glued battery operated wind fans to bicycle helmets?

  7. Seems like it was just yesterday when it was Chickmas:)

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