Art and the philosophy of life

Posts tagged ‘Toledo Blue…42’

Toledo Blue…42

“The bookstore lady wants to talk to you,” said Lucky.  “She’s in the front office.”

Toledo nodded, filled two mugs with coffee, and went to see her guest.

“I’m Mrs. Daisy,” she said, politely.  “I’m eight-four years old and I have loved books all of my life.”

“I love them too,” said Toledo, placing a mug in front of her.  “Would you like cream and sugar?”

“Oh, no thank you,” she said, wrapping her hands around the mug. “I’m strong and I’m a hard worker.  I want to open the bookstore, so that children can borrow the books, or buy them for fifty-cents, if they want to keep one.  You know how easy it is to fall in love with a special book.  There’s little money around here but children and adults, should be able to have books.  I’m grateful that I can move into the small store on the corner.  The boys and girls are fixing it up and it’s going to be wonderful.”

“I’m so happy that you are doing this for the community.  What can I do to help?”

“Mrs. Daisy looked away, then took a sip of coffee.

.”You can tell me anything,” said Toledo.  “Please, what you need?”

“I was wondering, if there was a…little money available for books.  I would buy them at used bookstores and try and find…”

Toledo took an envelop out of her back pocket and put it in front of the woman.  “Please let me know if you need more.  There will always be money for books,” she said.  “Just tell one of the kids to come in and pick up an envelop, that way you won’t have to leave the shop.”

Mrs. Daisy looked in the envelop.  “These are all hundred dollar bills,” she whispered.

“I’m just happy that you’re taking charge.”

“But this is so much money,” she said, unable to believe her eyes.

“T,” shouted GEO.  “I need you.”

“Is there anything else I an do for you, Mrs. Daisy?”

“Anything else?  How could I possibly ask for anything else?.”

“Please call, or stop by and let us know if you have any other ideas on how to help the community.  If there are people in trouble, we need to know.  If anyone needs food or care, we need to know that right away..”

“I can do that,” she said, brightly.  “Mr. Johnson, who lives across from the tire store, could use food and a ride to the doctor.”

“I’ll see to it immediately.  Please make a list and give it to anyone you see.  Just tell whoever it is to bring your list to me.”

“I will,” she said standing.  “Thank you for the coffee and for the….” she mumbled, looking at the envelop.

“My pleasure.”

Once Mrs. Daisy was gone Toledo, grabbed Anthony, who happened to be walking down the hall.  She handed him a hundred dollar bill and told him to buy food and bring it to Mr. Johnson.  She told him to make a doctor’s appointment for him and when it was time, to make sure that he was picked up and taken to his appointment.  She made him the head of the committee to help people in need, and to appoint as many people as he needed, to help him.  Then she shoved him out the door and went to find GEO

“T,” he said.  “Whadda think of this design for the billboards?


“Yeah,” we’re gonna be puttin’ these up everywhere.”

“It’s perfect,” she said, staring at the gorgeous artwork that read:

We are creating a new world
Everyone is welcome
Join us

“It’s good, isn’t it?” said Lucky, coming up behind her, the cat held comfortably in the crook of his arm.

“I love it,” said Toledo, hugging GEO.

“Good, cuz they’re goin’ up tomorrow,” said GEO.  “Have you seen the pictures your photog put up this morning?”

“No, are they fabulous?” she asked.

“Better than that.  They are huge and he has them all over the place.  He has Mrs. D’s picture on the soon to be bookstore, and a bunch of kids working in the schools, hanging on the schools.  He’s hanging them where the people are working.  You should see the one out in front of our building.”

Toledo and Lucky headed outside.  Once there they stood on the other side of the street and just stared.  Hanging on the front of the building was a gigantic picture of Lucky and Toledo in a passionate embrace, kissing.  “Uh,” said Toledo, while Lucky laughed hysterically.