Art and the philosophy of life

Schakwsky in D.C.

In Washington D.C.

Schakowsky Stands Up for Reproductive Justice


Last Congress, 195 House Republicans voted against a bill that would’ve protected access to contraception. Our bodily autonomy is at stake. This week, I was happy to sign a discharge petition to force a vote on the Right to Contraception Act to finally codify access to contraception.

Comments on: "Schakwsky in D.C." (23)

  1. The Republicans had, really done it now, taking away the RIGHTS of our, bodies, and, the U.S. Constitution, doesn’t do a single thing to, STOP this, ABUSE of the rights to our own, bodily, functions. This petition should NIT have gotten, started in the first place! It should be, OUR rights to decide, IF and WHEN, if we want to, PROCREATE, and now, women are, forced to, SIGN petitions, to try and, get the rights of our own, bodily functions, to be, our own again???

    • Not to mention the FACT that it goes against the confidentiality between client and doctor. The government has no business being in OUR BUSINESS. The republicans are hateful and so terrified of women they will do ANYTHING to keep us pregnant and out of competition with their tiny male brains. It’s discrimination at it’s finest. Pick a gender and control their lives. There are no laws, not one, that are concerned with controlling male health/bodies in anyway.

  2. The right wing bible thumpers are the ones who are partially to blame for the shit they have created in our country…

  3. They’re anti-abortion, but they’re against prevention of unwanted pregnancies with contraception? This makes no sense.

    • Sure it does. They want women out of the way, so they don’t have lives of their own and are no competition for them. They want us gone. They hate women, fear them and this is their fear showing itself.

      • They’re welcome to leave the country and start their own “civilization” on a desert island without us.

      • Their hatefulness is so OBVIOUS and they shouldn’t be in charge of anything but picking up paper from the streets and asking for loose change. They don’t deserve anything for being so cruel, heartless and DEADLY. Women have and will continue to die from trying to abort unwanted fetuses and republicans are somehow not convicted of murder when that’s exactly what it is.

      • I couldn’t agree more. On the question of abortion, the republicans have crossed the line from cruel and heartless to pathologically sadistic.

      • Now they are going after birth control. How sick is that?

      • About as sick as it gets. Gloria Steinem said it best: “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”

  4. They would have free prenatal care. Free hospitalization for the birth. Spa treatments afterward. Home visits. Statues erected in parks all over the place. They would get two years off with full pay and would be honored above all others. No question about it.

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