Art and the philosophy of life

Comments on: "For anyone interested…here’s what’s coming up…in the future. :)" (3)

  1. Shocking stuff isn’t it? xo

    • I sure can be. But lots of ND people are saying the same thing. I think it’s going to happen. I was so happy when he talked about he animals. Horse angels. It doesn’t get better than that. 🤗

    • I don’t actually believe in god. I’m not religious in any way at all. It feels so wrong to use the word god. There are so many things that don’t make any sense and seem manipulative, at best, when people speak about things like this. BUT, hearing about the animals made listening worthwhile. But anyone in power is suspicious and not to be trusted in my book. LOL So, I am not a believer in god things, or religious things, but I do believe that we never die and that this is all a stupid game that doesn’t make sense, no matter what they say. I WANT to believe that I’ll see all my animal friends again, so I do. 🙂 I miss them. I can do without all the other stuff. And saying there is no judgement doesn’t mean it’s not there. And, it sounds as if what happens to us (according to all the near death accounts) actually happens to us without out any input from us, so how does that make sense? It would seem that we have are just moved around a different game board no matter where we are, although the one we’re on in death sounds a lot nicer. But…again…if we learn through experience, and heaven is only love, then how do we learn anything but more of the same? None of it makes sense. I have a LOT of questions. A LOT. I usually don’t get answers on these shows because everyone is always so “positive,” and treat their guests like they walk on water. But hard questions are never broached.

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