Art and the philosophy of life

So I took Melanie to Lake Forest Bookstore because they have a wonderful children’s section.  They have different editions of everything with beautiful artwork and I forced myself not to buy THE SECRET GARDEN…again.  Every time I see it with a different cover and deckled edges I want to get it.  This is a lovely bookshop and we had a great time looking at everything.  I also picked up this one…the artwork is wonderful.

Comments on: "I bought this book because the artwork is incredible and I just had to have it so I could look at it again and again…3 pictures" (6)

  1. beautiful! i’d love to spend time browsing there –

    • It’s a wonderful little bookstore:) We spent more time in the kids area than anywhere else. It’s kind of far from my house so I don’t go there often but when I do…time stops for a little while, that’s for sure.

  2. I love such books, too and always try to get them second-hand, if possible

    • I love them too and the first thing we did, after she got off the plane, was to go to the used bookstore. I’ll post the books I got there tomorrow:) Melanie bought a lot more than I did, since I live here and go all the time. 🙂 She had one suitcase filled with books when she left. LOL

  3. Afrika Bohemian said:

    It is amazing and to think that I have never read the Wizard of Oz

    • If I read it when I was a kid I don’t remember it. That’s one reason I bought it…well that and the illustrations are incredible. I’m looking forward to sitting down with it, that’s for sure:)

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