Art and the philosophy of life

Wake up call…

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“Dad, I just read horrible things.  Is it true that once I get through a million years of school, I’ll be a slave to a job until I’m too old to enjoy my life, if I live that long?  And once I’m retired I won’t have enough money to eat?  And that while I’m working myself to death the corrupt government will tax what I make, what I save, what I spend and the money put into social security will be stolen, since if I marry and one of us dies, they just keep all the money the dead person worked for and put into social security?  Isn’t that Grand Theft?  And I’ll have to pay for all kinds of insurance, once I’m no longer considered a child?  If I get sick I won’t be able to afford medicine?  So I just basically worked my entire life to make ends meet and pay for yachts for rich people? And you, the masses, put up with that?  Why?”

“You might not live that long, since there’s poison in our food, and in the air we breath, and the water we drink.  Besides, they might send you to die in a war for oil, or to make the rich, richer.”

“They can do that?”

“THEY can do anything they want to do.  They can take your house, close the banks, kill you.  They kill people all the time, especially those who try to help other people.   Do you know that it’s illegal to give food to a homeless person in some states?”

“Why did you have me?  Why would you bring me into a world that’s like THIS?”

His father shrugged.  They banned abortions.  Your mother was forced to have you.  Believe me, we didn’t want to do this to you.  My best advice is that when you reach a certain age, we’ll give you money to run away and hide in a forest somewhere and go native.  If you can leave the country and find another place to live, do it.  It’s too late for your mom and me.  But we have hope for you.”

“Why do you let them get away with what they’re doing?”

“That’s a good question son.  We’ve been brainwashed, conditioned and taught to be idiots.  They destroy children’s creativity and intelligence as soon as they get into school.  So everyone is told to shut up and be stupid.”

“I’m going to fight back.”

“They’ll disappear you.  Better to run and hide.  Live off the land.”

“Live off the land?  How am I supposed to do that?”

“Read a book on how to grow food.”

“Are you serious?  Iv’e never even been to the country.”

“I’ll drive you there this weekend.  There are ponds and everything.”

“I’m doomed.”

“We all are.”

“How can so many be so stupid?”

“I’ve wondered that myself.”

“Maybe I should run away now and skip all the years of indoctrination, so I don’t turn into you.”

“Not a bad idea.  See if you can get one of your little friends to go with you.”


AI generated art from: Pixabay


Comments on: "Wake up call…" (6)

  1. Yikes! If you take your little friends with you, just watch out for the Lord of the Flies factor.

  2. When the, greater social conditions aren’t good, most of us don’t feel secure enough to start “breeding”, and that in itself becomes, problematic, as we are living longer and longer, and, that means, less time we have of being, healthy and, agile enough, which then, causes the elderly care costs to rise, then, it all falls on the, shoulders of the, next generations, as social security is, a, pay-as-you-go, and, if there’s, NO children being born, how will we, live out our, retirements, well, and so, everything still, ties, together. Unless the greater environment, improves (which is, LESS than likely), we are all, on this, DOWNWARD, spiral, and, there’s still, NO rock bottom in this, that we will, eventually, bounce, back up, from…

    • There is no money. It’s gone. The government has stolen and spent it. I don’t see anything but darkness ahead of us for a long time. I doubt we’ll become extinct but life, as we know it, is already on the way out.

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