Art and the philosophy of life

Posts tagged ‘Weird Things’


Free Jeep Urban photo and picture

My name is Toledo Blue.  I was born on the side of the road, in the front seat of my parents car, on the way to the hospital.  When my dad handed me to my mom he said, “Holy Toledo, I just delivered our daughter.  Hey, it could have been worse, they could have named me Pontiac.

I’m twenty, a virgo, and I wear my blond hair short and spiked.  I have blue eyes.  I’m about five-six and weigh around one ten.  I wear a lot of rings and earrings, all of which are important to my survival.  I love bubble gum and never go anywhere without it.  When I was a kid, if anyone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said, “Alive.”

I had an older brother.  I don’t have him anymore.  He’s dead.  The one thing I learned from that experience is that you never get over losing someone you love, you just learn to live with his, or her, absence.  The first time he almost died, our family was able to save him.  The second time, well, the second time, nothing we did worked.  I never wanted to be an only child.  But how many of us ever get what we want.  That was another less I learned when he died.

My brother, died fighting the forces of darkness.  Yeah, I know, not everybody does that.  It kind of runs in our family.  There are some nasty things living in big cities and not all of them are human.  I’ve found that people don’t like to think about monsters and creepy crawlers, so they just pretend that they don’t exist  They watch the news and cover up the scary things that they don’t understand with nicer things that they do.  Sometimes I wish I could do that.  Pretend, I mean.  Unfortunately, I don’t have that luxury.  Pretending could get me killed.


Photo:  Pixabay