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Posts tagged ‘Sloane 8’


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“I can’t believe he’s going to do it,” said Devin.  “You’ll be one of us.  I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.”

“Big decisions can be like that,” she said.  “I won’t know if it’s good or bad until I do it.   But I know what I don’t want and that’s losing my abilities.  Humans are weak and flawed.”

“Vampires are strong, but flawed in more ways than you can imagine.  Competitive, backstabbing, egomaniacal and, well, a lot of other things.  Pettiness comes with living almost forever.  I stay out of those things for the most part.  Miles is extremely powerful but he keeps up with the times and that makes him even more influential.”

“Marie told me how Miles found her as a child.”

“Yes.  He didn’t turn her until she asked.  She was almost forty.  Something like what’s happening with you, only you’re younger.  She grew up in his household as well, but she never had your skill set or attitude.  She’s always cared for Miles, and made sure his needs were met, his home was spotless, and that he was as safe as she could make him.  She’s a lot stronger than she looks, but she’s a homebody and completely devoted to him.  She has no interest in vampire politics or business.  I suppose you want to know what happened to me.”

“If you care to tell me, yes.”

“It was a long time ago,” he laughed.  “I was young and foolish. Got in with the wrong crowd.  Even then, there were wrong crowds.  Anyway, I was playing cards with bad people and lost.  I didn’t have enough to cover my debts and, well, they were not happy about that.  They took me outside and beat me.  Then they left me to die.  Miles found me laying in the dirt, saw that I was just about gone, asked me if I wanted to live forever.  I said sure, why not, or something to that effect, and turned me right there.  He took me with him and taught me everything I know.  He’s been very good to Marie and to me.  I don’t think he’s turned anyone else since I’ve been with him.  It’s very serious business for Miles.  That’s why what you’re asking him to do, is so difficult for him.  By the way, every man in this place is staring at you.”

“Don’t tell me it’s my humanness that’s attracting them,” she sighed.

“No. It’s your power.”

She looked at him.  “My power?”

“They know you don’t care about any of them.  You don’t want or need them, and that’s like catnip to a herd of cats.  You’re also gorgeous and that helps…a lot,” he laughed.

“There is no such thing as a herd of cats.  Now tell me what it feels like to be turned.”

“Sure,” said Devin.  “Miles will drain every drop of blood from your body and you’ll die.  Hopefully, you won’t have one of those near death experiences and want to stay dead.  Some say it’s nice on the flip side.  So, once you’re dead, he’ll give  you some of his blood and that’s it.  You’ll wake up and everything will be sharp and clear.  You won’t believe how blind you’ve been, how deaf.  Everything will be bright, loud and sharp.  It might take awhile to get used to it.  You’ll be able to hear people whispering across the room and it takes practice to  cut down on all the noise.  Details will become the norm.  It’s pretty cool, after it becomes part of you.  Once you’re awake, things can go a number of ways.  The best outcome would be that you’d have something to drink and that would be that.  The worst would be that you might be insatiable for weeks or months, but that doesn’t happen all that often.  It’s in between those two things where most newbies end up.”


“You’ll have to get used to your new physical strength.”

“Miles said you’re in love with me.”

“He shouldn’t have said that.”

“Is it true?”

“Yes, but our kind of love isn’t the same as human love.”

“In what way?”

“It involves a lot more protecting the one you link yourself to.  How can I say explain it,” he mumbled, rubbing his chin.  “I would do absolutely anything to keep you safe.  I have feelings for you, but not the kind of confused, mushy, unrealistic feelings humans have.  It has more to do with respect and wanting to be around you.  And sex is always on the table, of course.  That’s something else that’s sharper, believe me.  I can show you, if you like.”

“Will you be helping Miles, when it’s time?” she asked, ignoring him.

“Miles doesn’t need help, but if you want me to be there, I will be.”

She nodded.  “How was it for you?”

“Things were so different back then.  Miles kept me in a cage in the basement of his mansion for a week.  He stayed with me, talked to me, fed me, and took care of me until I was in control of myself.  When he thought I was no longer a danger to anyone, he let me out, but kept me close for a long time.”

“He has a strong moral code,” said Sloane.

Devin nodded.  “Not all vampires do.  Some of the top vamps are ruthless and cruel.  You’re protected from them because of him and they respect your abilities as a puny human,” he laughed.

“I won’t be a puny human for long, if all goes well,” she said, smiling at him. “Do things ever go wrong?  I mean I don’t mind dying.  Dying is what I help people do everyday.  But what if it doesn’t work?”

“It will.  Miles is the best.  He has a delicate touch, his inner monster is under tight control.”

“I know that, but…”

“Changing your mind?” he asked.

“No.  For me, death is better than facing the future as a human.  Humans, are one of the worst designs ever made.”

“Do you want to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand.

“You dance?” she said, surprised, letting him pull her to her feet.

“You’d be surprised at the things I can do.”

She laughed and walked into his arms.