Art and the philosophy of life

Posts tagged ‘Sloane 5’


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Sloane kept her word.  She did what she was asked.  Her life had a routine, one that she was comfortable with, for the most .  Years went by, she killed who she was asked to kill and she convinced others to go along with what Miles wanted them to do.  She was good at what she did.  She dealt with humans, now and then, but for the most part, she dealt with the others.  The reason for any job was always explained to her satisfaction.  There had only been two jobs that she refused to do. Devin was sent in her place.

One night during dinner,  she put down her fork and said, “I have a question.”

“The answer is no,” said Miles.

“Why not?”

“I won’t do it.”

Even if it’s what I want?”

“Being a vampire is not a good thing.  Living a long time isn’t a good thing either.  You don’t understand what it’s like to constantly loose people you care about.  Business gets old.  Everything gets old.  We weren’t meant to live forever.”

Sloane finished her meal.  “I’ll ask Devin to do it.”

“I’ll kill him if he turns you.  He know that.  And he’s in love with you so, if you ask him, you’ll put him a life or death situation.”

“I’ll find someone else, then.  I doubt anyone would turn me down.”

“Everyone will turn you down,” said Miles.  “They know how I feel about you and they know the consequences of going up against me.  Not to mention the fact that it would make me look bad.”

She nodded.

“Do you want me to release you from your oath?” he asked.

“No.   It’s all I know and I like the work.  But I won’t be young forever.  I didn’t think you’d let me just die.”

“I’m doing you a favor.  You may not understand that, but it’s true,” he said.  “Everything, that you’ve done a million times, gets boring.  And the loss of those you care about, adds up.   It makes your heart cold.”

“My heart is already cold.”

“You might believe that, but it’s not true.  And before you say it, Devin loves you because he believes that I’ll eventually change my mind and then he won’t have to lose you.”

“I think it should be my choice.”

“It’s not.”

“I’m not just a regular person.”

“I know that.”

“You know that if you turn me I’ll never hurt you, don’t you?”

He laughed.  “Honestly, that never crossed my mind.  But I can see that it has crossed yours.”

“Once or twice,” she said, smiling.  “But you gave everything to me, and I want you to know how grateful I am.”

“I do know.”

“I’ll protect you, as long as I can.”

“I know that too.  Now tell me why you want to live forever?”