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Archive for the ‘Sloane’ Category

Sloane…11 The final chapter.

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Sloane jerked awake.  And while the light in the room was quite dim, it hurt her eyes, so she closed them.

“I’m right here,” whispered Miles, patting her hand.  “You’re safe.”

Safe from what, she wondered.  “Where’s Devin?” she asked.

“You did extremely well,”  said Miles.  “Everything went smoothly.”


“Here,” Devin said, moving next to her.

Her hand shot out, she grabbed his arm, bit into his wrist, and started drinking.  Devin moaned with pleasure, and went to his knees.

Miles screamed at Sloane to stop, as he wrestled Devin away from her.

“She could have killed you,” said Miles, glaring at Devin, as he lay sprawled on the floor, smiling.

“Is there anything to drink?” asked Sloane, sitting up.  “I can see the tiny lines around your eyes Miles, and look at my hands,” she said, turning them back and forth.

“Marie,” sighed Miles.  “Get him out of here, will you?”

“Of course, sir,” she said, dragging Devin out of the room by his arm.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good,” said Sloane.

“Listen to me,” said Miles.  “It’s only been a matter of hours.  You’ve done exceptionally well, other than attacking Devin, and…”

“I didn’t attack Devin, I just wanted to see what he tasted like.  I could have stopped anytime I wanted to.  By the way, he tastes rather delicious.”

Miles put his face into his hands.  “How do I get myself into these things,” he mumbled.

“I never realized how terrible human hearing was,” she said.  “But then how could I?  I never had anything to compare it to.”

“All of your senses will be much sharper.  You have to be careful, until you get used to your new strength. You’re stronger than you realize.”

“I wish you would have turned me sooner.  All that time I wasted being human.  It was like living with a heavy blanket thrown over me.  Is there anyone to drink.”

“You’re not drinking anyone, but you can have this,” he said, handing her a glass.  She downed it in one and ran her hand across her mouth.  “Thank you, Miles.  That was good.”

“You can’t bite people, Sloane.  You can’t bite Devin.  But you were right.  Devin’s much better, now that you’re no longer human. But, of course, now you’ve bitten him, so we begin again.”

“I feel as if I can do anything,” she said, standing up.  “I think I’m ready to go back to work.”

“You’re not ready to go back to work,” he said.  “You agreed to my terms, with regard to turning you.  You said you would do exactly what I told you to do.”

“Yes.  I did say that.”

“Your word is your bond.”

“What does that mean, exactly?” she asked, frowning.  “What is my bond?   And, is there more juice?”

“It’s not juice, it’s blood,” said Miles.  “Although Marie may have added a little juice, she does that sometimes.”

“May I have more, please.”

“Sloane,” he said, handing her another glass, “while it is no longer necessary for you to breath,  you need to pretend to breath.  Humans can tell when someone isn’t breathing and they might try to kill you.”

“Okay.  I’ll keep breathing.”

“You have to continue doing all the little things you did when you were human.  Do you understand?  You have to pretend to be human.  When you pretend long enough, it will become second nature.”

“I think I know how to expand your empire.  I can help you,” she said, smiling at him.  “And I was human a few hours ago, I know how to pass.”

“I appreciate you offer to expand my business, you won’t be helping anyone do anything for awhile.  You need to learn how to control your powers and desires.  It’s easy to forget to breath, when you don’t have to.”

“I desire more blood from Devin,” she said.  “But I know, even though he’d give it to me, I would never take it.  It wouldn’t be fair.”

“It wouldn’t be right.”

“Either way, you don’t have to worry about me doing that again.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you want to play a game of chess?”

“I’d love to,” he said, setting up the board.

“You do realize that now, I am stronger than most of the people you know.”

“Yes, Sloane.  I do realize that.”

“I would like to impress upon you once again, that even though I am stronger than you are, I would never harm you in anyway.  I am grateful for all you have given to me and I will always be here to protect you and your interests.”

“Thank you.”

She nodded, and moved her rook.


One week later they were sitting at the table, having dinner.

“This is the first time I don’t have a plate of food in front of me, when we’re at the table,” she said, smiling at Miles.

They clinked glasses.

“This is what I was always meant to be,” she said.  “You know that don’t you?”

“I do,” said Miles.  “I knew it from the start.”

“There is no gift I can give to someone who has everything, but you have my allegiance and gratitude.”

“There is no finer gift than that and I thank you.”

“I certainly put Devin through a lot,” she said, smiling.

“I think the duckling was a nice touch,” he laughed.  “I’m almost certain he actually likes it.”

“He does,” she agreed.

“I want you to know that in the far future, when I retire, or if anything happens to me, the papers have been signed that leaves everything to you.  All of my assets, everything, will be yours.  But I have also made sure that Devin and Marie would be taken care of for the rest of their lives.”

“As it should be.  We are a family, after all.”

“I trust you, Sloane.  Don’t ever let me down,” he said, seriously.

“You have my word,” she said.


And they all lived happily ever after.   Sort of.


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Sloane realized she had crossed a line.  She’d never seen Devin the way she left him.  She knew blood was precious to vampires, but  apparently, even after all the years she lived with them, and killed them, she didn’t actually realize just how precious.  She knew that Devin was telling her the truth.  Miles would kill him if he bit her, but it was her blood, after all, wasn’t it?

“You’re a logical person, Sloane,” she said to herself.  ” There are rules, made up by others, sometimes for a reason you may not understand, but you have to obey them, or someone you don’t want to die, might.”

She wondered if Devin was okay.  She cared about him.  He taught her to how to fight, how to be strong.  What happened tonight, wasn’t his fault.  It was hers.  She was too relaxed around him.  Too used to him.  She went too far.

“May I come in?” asked Marie?

“Yes,” said Sloane.  “Is there something I can do for you?”

“Miles wants to see you,” she sighed.

“Thank you.”

Miles was sitting in his usual seat at the table.

“Sit down.”

She sat.

“What am I supposed to do with you?” he asked, sadly.



“Do with me?”

“You did an unforgivable thing.  You offered your blood to a vampire.”

“I offered a goodbye sip to Devin.”

“You should have known better.”

“Where’s Devin?”

“That’s not your concern at the moment.”

“Devin is my concern. Where he is?”

“Let’s just say he’s indisposed.”

“Miles.  Tell me what’s going on.  I made a mistake.  I didn’t know just how bad a mistake it was.”

He leaned back in his chair and stared at her.  “It’s about what you did to Devin.”

“What did I do to Devin?  We were having a good time.  He answered my questions honestly.  He explained everything.  On the way home, I offered him a sip from my wrist as a way to say goodbye to the old me and thank him for everything he’s done for me, over the years.  From his reaction, I knew it was the wrong thing to do.  I’m sorry.  He shouldn’t be punished for what I did.”

“No, he shouldn’t be, but it doesn’t work that way.  I take some responsibility in this matter.  I’ve been to easy on you.  I let my feelings for you stop me from telling you many, unpleasant things.  I thought I was protecting you from the harsher realities of our lives, but I realize now, that doing so was a mistake,” he said.  “Do you remember when I told you never to offer your blood to anyone?”

“Yes.  I was twelve.”

“You were a child.  I didn’t give you enough information.  I can see that by not telling you the consequences of such an offer, I failed to impress upon you just how important that statement was.”

“Would you have killed Devin, if he bit me?”

“It’s complicated,” he muttered. “By making the penalty for one vampire drinking from another person’s family punishable by death, everyone is protected.  Devin is our family and he didn’t accept your offer, even though the smell of your blood from the tattoo must have been driving him a little crazy.”

“I never thought of that.”

“No.  Of course, you didn’t,” said Miles, nodding.  “Why would you?  But he was the one who suggested getting the ink, never thinking that you’d accept.  Devin is quite old and has excellent control.  He’s been with me for a very long time.  The control he showed by not taking you up on your offer, is more impressive that you can ever imagine.  I can’t think of a single vampire who could do what he did.”

“Miles, where is Devin?”

“He’s resting.”

“He’s asleep?”

“In a way.”

“I mean no disrespect.  But I am asking honest and simple questions and getting nowhere.  Your answers are cryptic and I am too concerned to try and figure out what you’re saying.”

“Devin has fed.  He has been put into a stasis like dream state, until I can figure out how to help him.”

“Where is he?”

“In the medical area.”

“What is wrong with him?”

“When you offered your blood, he had to fight his own vampiric nature to refuse.  But you two have been friends for many years.  He has been protecting you since he rescued you from your burning house.  He loves you, in his own way, and now that you invited him to taste you, he can’t think of anything else.  He doesn’t trust himself around you, at the moment.  He asked me to help him and I’m doing what he asked.”

Sloane stood up and started pacing.  “If I give him some of my human blood, that might calm him down.  He won’t have to fight himself,” she mumbled, to herself.  “Or, if Miles turns me right now, there won’t be any human blood in my body to tempt him.”

She turned toward Miles.  “I have a couple of ideas.”

“I know.  I heard you.”

“Will one of them work?”

“It’s possible that if you are one of us…”

Sloane rolled onto the table, grabbed the neck of her shirt and bared her neck.  “Do it now.”

And he did.






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“That was nice,” said Devin, as they walked home from the bar.

“It was,” she agreed.  “You’re a good dancer.”

“We can have sex now and then again once you’re turned, so you can see the difference.”

She laughed and said nothing.

“Just letting you know that I’m available.  In a scientific way, of course.”

“Of course,”  Sloane said, grinning at him.

“How many did you kill when you went to powder your nose?”


“You’re fast.”

“No reason to prolong things.”

“No there isn’t.  You know that you’re more like a daughter to Miles than a niece, don’t you.”

“I do.”

“You’re important to him.  And just for my well being, you don’t happen to have that steel bar on your person, at the moment, do you?  That thing hurts.”

“I take it everywhere,” she said.  “Better than a gun sometimes, and men never expect it.”

“Men never expect you, period,” he said, taking her hand.  “Are you afraid?”

“No.  I can’t wait.”

“Explaining what it’s like to become a vampire is like trying to tell someone what it’s like to be pregnant and have a baby.  It’s impossible.  You have to do those things in order to understand them.  Even then, it’s different for everyone.”

“I told you before, I know what I don’t want to become.  The thought of…”

“I know.  You don’t have to say it.  I get it.”

She nodded.

“Wanna get tattoos?  There’s a place that’s open all night and they do good work,” said Devin.

“Sure,” she said. “Why not.”

“Seriously?” he asked.  “You really mean it?”

“Yes.  I’ve been thinking about getting one for some time.”

“What kind of design do you want?”

“Fangs,” she said, teasing him.

“No, really.”

“I like your wings, but I don’t think they would look good on me.”

“Anything would look good on you.  You want girly, or hardcore?”

“Gee, Devin.  I kill things pretty much everyday, maybe I’ll get something frilly and girly.”

He laughed.  “Just kidding.”

“A bat,” she said.  “I like bats and it’s a cheesy symbol of what people don’t understand.”

“”How about a dragon?”

“Don’t you like bats?”

“I do, but you’re more of a dragon type.  Ask Lee when we get there.  She has a good instinct for what’s right for someone.”


“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this?” he said.

“Why not?”


“Always,” she said.

“Because you’re the most in control person I’ve ever met, and I’ve lived a long time.  You have to give control to the artist and let her do her job.”

“If I don’t like what she does, I’ll kill her.”

“Of course you will.  Always in control.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that, don’t you?”


“What are you going to get?  And are you sure they’ll be able to fit us in?”

“They always fit me in.”


He smiled.  “I’ll have him work on my sleeve.  It’s almost finished.”

“No,” she said.  “You said we were both getting tattoos.  Working on something you already have, isn’t the same thing.”

“What do you want me to get?”

“A baby duckling.  Right here,” she said, touching the inside of his wrist.  “There’s just enough space.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I’m not.  It will show your soft side.”

“I don’t have a soft side.”

She stopped walking and pushed him against a building.  “You have the softest side I’ve ever seen.  Get the baby duckling, or you’ll be sorry.”

“Jeeze,” he said.  “I’ll do it.”

Hours later they left the shop.

“She did a great job,” said Sloane, looking at the moon peeking out from behind clouds, with tiny bursts of stars.  “I’m glad I let her choose.”

“I can never go back there,” sighed Devin, miserably.  “They’ll never stop laughing.  A baby duck on a tough vampires wrist.”

“You were very brave,” she said, slipping her arm through his.  “You are tough enough to wear it.”

He looked at the duckling.  “She is kind of cute.  I think I’ll name her after you.”

“It’s your duckling,” she said.

“In a matter of hours you will be entirely different,” said Devin.  “As the years go by, being human will feel more like a dream that never was.”

“Will you still love me?” she asked.


“Do you want to taste me, while I’m still alive?”  she asked, holding out her arm.

Devin froze, the way only a vampire can.

“It’s just between us,” she said, frowning at him.

Never say that to anyone.  Not ever.”

“I know that,” she said.  “It was just a goodbye gift for you.”

“He would kill me the second he saw me and I would think it was worth it.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

She shoved him.  Stop.  Now.  If you are angry with me, speak normally.  Never threaten, or speak to me in a rough voice, or I’ll rip what’s left of your heart out of your body with my bare hands.”

Devin closed his eyes and backed away from her.  “You have no idea how valuable your blood is.  No idea at all.  You don’t know what Miles has gone through to protect your blood.  You don’t know how many people want a taste, or all of it, and here you are, asking me if I’d like some.”  His eyes were focused on her.  “We’re almost home.  I strongly suggest you go the rest of the way alone.  It’s dangerous for you to be near me right now.”

“I’m sorry Devin.  I didn’t mean…”

“I know.  Just go.”






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“I can’t believe he’s going to do it,” said Devin.  “You’ll be one of us.  I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.”

“Big decisions can be like that,” she said.  “I won’t know if it’s good or bad until I do it.   But I know what I don’t want and that’s losing my abilities.  Humans are weak and flawed.”

“Vampires are strong, but flawed in more ways than you can imagine.  Competitive, backstabbing, egomaniacal and, well, a lot of other things.  Pettiness comes with living almost forever.  I stay out of those things for the most part.  Miles is extremely powerful but he keeps up with the times and that makes him even more influential.”

“Marie told me how Miles found her as a child.”

“Yes.  He didn’t turn her until she asked.  She was almost forty.  Something like what’s happening with you, only you’re younger.  She grew up in his household as well, but she never had your skill set or attitude.  She’s always cared for Miles, and made sure his needs were met, his home was spotless, and that he was as safe as she could make him.  She’s a lot stronger than she looks, but she’s a homebody and completely devoted to him.  She has no interest in vampire politics or business.  I suppose you want to know what happened to me.”

“If you care to tell me, yes.”

“It was a long time ago,” he laughed.  “I was young and foolish. Got in with the wrong crowd.  Even then, there were wrong crowds.  Anyway, I was playing cards with bad people and lost.  I didn’t have enough to cover my debts and, well, they were not happy about that.  They took me outside and beat me.  Then they left me to die.  Miles found me laying in the dirt, saw that I was just about gone, asked me if I wanted to live forever.  I said sure, why not, or something to that effect, and turned me right there.  He took me with him and taught me everything I know.  He’s been very good to Marie and to me.  I don’t think he’s turned anyone else since I’ve been with him.  It’s very serious business for Miles.  That’s why what you’re asking him to do, is so difficult for him.  By the way, every man in this place is staring at you.”

“Don’t tell me it’s my humanness that’s attracting them,” she sighed.

“No. It’s your power.”

She looked at him.  “My power?”

“They know you don’t care about any of them.  You don’t want or need them, and that’s like catnip to a herd of cats.  You’re also gorgeous and that helps…a lot,” he laughed.

“There is no such thing as a herd of cats.  Now tell me what it feels like to be turned.”

“Sure,” said Devin.  “Miles will drain every drop of blood from your body and you’ll die.  Hopefully, you won’t have one of those near death experiences and want to stay dead.  Some say it’s nice on the flip side.  So, once you’re dead, he’ll give  you some of his blood and that’s it.  You’ll wake up and everything will be sharp and clear.  You won’t believe how blind you’ve been, how deaf.  Everything will be bright, loud and sharp.  It might take awhile to get used to it.  You’ll be able to hear people whispering across the room and it takes practice to  cut down on all the noise.  Details will become the norm.  It’s pretty cool, after it becomes part of you.  Once you’re awake, things can go a number of ways.  The best outcome would be that you’d have something to drink and that would be that.  The worst would be that you might be insatiable for weeks or months, but that doesn’t happen all that often.  It’s in between those two things where most newbies end up.”


“You’ll have to get used to your new physical strength.”

“Miles said you’re in love with me.”

“He shouldn’t have said that.”

“Is it true?”

“Yes, but our kind of love isn’t the same as human love.”

“In what way?”

“It involves a lot more protecting the one you link yourself to.  How can I say explain it,” he mumbled, rubbing his chin.  “I would do absolutely anything to keep you safe.  I have feelings for you, but not the kind of confused, mushy, unrealistic feelings humans have.  It has more to do with respect and wanting to be around you.  And sex is always on the table, of course.  That’s something else that’s sharper, believe me.  I can show you, if you like.”

“Will you be helping Miles, when it’s time?” she asked, ignoring him.

“Miles doesn’t need help, but if you want me to be there, I will be.”

She nodded.  “How was it for you?”

“Things were so different back then.  Miles kept me in a cage in the basement of his mansion for a week.  He stayed with me, talked to me, fed me, and took care of me until I was in control of myself.  When he thought I was no longer a danger to anyone, he let me out, but kept me close for a long time.”

“He has a strong moral code,” said Sloane.

Devin nodded.  “Not all vampires do.  Some of the top vamps are ruthless and cruel.  You’re protected from them because of him and they respect your abilities as a puny human,” he laughed.

“I won’t be a puny human for long, if all goes well,” she said, smiling at him. “Do things ever go wrong?  I mean I don’t mind dying.  Dying is what I help people do everyday.  But what if it doesn’t work?”

“It will.  Miles is the best.  He has a delicate touch, his inner monster is under tight control.”

“I know that, but…”

“Changing your mind?” he asked.

“No.  For me, death is better than facing the future as a human.  Humans, are one of the worst designs ever made.”

“Do you want to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand.

“You dance?” she said, surprised, letting him pull her to her feet.

“You’d be surprised at the things I can do.”

She laughed and walked into his arms.


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“Follow her,” said Miles, looking at Devin.  “Now.”

“She’ll know.”

“Do it.”

Devin left the room.

“He’s right,” said Marie.  “She’ll know.”

“What do you think about her request?”

“You knew it would come up one day.”

He nodded.

“She’s strong willed.  She’s used to getting her own way.”

He nodded again.

“But I believe she’s loyal to you, to the family.”

“Do you think she’ll find someone to turn her?”


“But you’re not sure.”

“No one can be sure of anything, Miles.”

“Do you think she’ll kill herself?”

“No.  At least not yet.  I understand her fear of aging.  It’s difficult enough for a human woman.  For her, it would be a slow death.  She wouldn’t stand for it.   You have to choose between saving her, or losing her.  That’s the only real question there is.”

“Thank you, Marie.”

“Of course,” she said, rising.  “Can I get anything for you?”

He shook his head.

Devin came sailing through the doorway and crashed into the table.  Sloane stood over him.  “Is he my watchdog?”

“Sit down,” said Miles.  “Please.”

“You’re having me followed?  Is that for my own good as well?”

“Ow,” said Devin, getting to his feet.

“Go and heal, Devin,” said Miles, watching him limp away.  “What did you do to hurt him.  He’s stronger than you are by…”

“I have a metal bar for those who annoy me.”

“I see.  Please.  Sit down.  We need to talk.”

“Will this talk be different than the last one?”


She pulled out a chair and sat.

“I’ve been thinking about your request.  Marie shed some light on the subject that I had not taken into consideration.”

“You asked Marie for advice?” she asked, shocked.

“We had a discussion, yes.”


“I see your point.”


“I will do it, but not immediately.”

“Everyday I lose more and more of myself.  Everyday I get older.”

“You need time to think about the consequences of your choice,” said Miles.

“My choice, is all I’ve thought about for years.”

“Do you understand the procedure?”

“Roughly, from things I’ve overheard.”

“It’s painful.  When you are reborn you will be…thirsty.  Possibly out of control for some time.”

“You’ll take care of me.”

“Once done, there’s no going back.”

“Of course not.”

“You’re mother will never forgive me.”

“I will.”

Miles closed his eyes.  You do understand what dead is, don’t you?”

“I’ve lived with all of you for most of my life.”

“Have you ever wanted children?”

“Not even for a second.”

“A husband?”

“Get to the point, please, Miles.  I still have work to do tonight, as you well know.”

“I’m sorry if I’m boring you,” he snapped.  “This is the most important decision you’ll ever make, show it some respect!”

“Please accept my apology,” she said, sincerely.  “You’re right.”

“There’s is a sadness that comes with being one of us,” he said, sitting up straight.  “It never goes away.  It’s a longing for something we once had but will never have again.  I told you about this but you must understand how that feeling touches every waking moment.  Nothing will ever be the same.  Nothing at all.  You will no longer be the you, you are at this moment.  The world will change, but you will remain the same.   You will choose a new name, to keep up with the times, move from one place to another, so people don’t start to wonder why you never look older.  But, I will do it.”

“Miles.  I am grateful for your concern.  I truly am, but you see me not as I am, but as you would like me to be.  I died a long time ago.  I died with my parents.  I am not a loving and kind woman.  Look at the things you ask of me.  The things I do for you.  I’m a killer, just like the one’s who murdered my parents.  That’s what I became that night, you saved me from the flames.  What will I be giving up?  Sadness is part of me, so is emptiness.  I care for you, Devin and Marie, as much as I can care.  I would protect all of you with my life and not think twice.  But I put away all the things you think I’ll be losing, a long time ago.”

“We’ll do it on Saturday,” said Miles.  “How long you will be kept in a safe room, for everyone’s protection, will depend on how you react to the change.   When the three of us agree that you are safe enough, you will be released from that room.  Do you understand?”

“I do.”

“Will you forgive me for taking your life?”

“I will.”

“Devin should be healed by now.  Take him with you tonight and when the job is done, have some fun.  Ask him questions.  I’ll tell him he can answer all of them.”

“Okay.  And Miles.  Thank you.  You won’t regret your decision.”

“I just hope you don’t regret yours.”



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“So, tell me,” said Miles, staring at her.  “Tell me why you want to become one of the living dead.”

“I have several reasons,” she said, sipping her wine.

“Excuse me,” said Devin, standing in the doorway.  “Can I sit in on this?”

“That’s up to her,” said Miles, looking at Sloane.

She waved him in and watched, as Devin pulled out a chair across the table from her and sat down.

Marie came in with fresh glasses of blood and wine for everyone.

Sloane sighed and said, “You can stay too.  Family is family.”

“Indeed.  The best families are chosen, not just born.  See how well we get along?” Miles said, holding out his arms.

“That’s because they know you could kill them anytime you felt like it,” said Sloane, smiling.

Besides that,” said Miles.

“There is no besides that.  You have all the power.”

“But we are off topic,” said Miles  “This is about why you want to become one of us.”

“Can we get back to you have all the power over them, later?”

“If you wish,” he said.

“Okay,” she said, “but I will revisit that conversation.”

“Of that, I have no doubt,” muttered Miles, shaking his head slightly.

“One of the reasons I want to be turned is that I simply do not want to get old.  The thought of aging is too horrible to contemplate. My body has been made into a weapon.  That’s who I am. It’s what I am. If I can no longer be that, then I am nothing and, I would rather die, one way or another.   I also believe that what I do is important.  Killing those who hunt and hurt innocents is a worthy cause.  I want to keep doing that.”

“Is that it?” asked Miles.


“You have the floor,” said Devin, graciously.

“Humans are basically weak and frail.  They break easily, get sick, suffer and break the hearts of those who love them.”


“I don’t want to be human.”

“Anything else?”


“I’ll do her, if you’ll let me,” said Devin.

Miles glared at him.

“Sorry.  Just offering my services,” he said, meekly.

“Do you know what humans have that we don’t?” asked Miles.

“Poor vision?” she said.

“Besides that.”

“Just say what you want to say,” said Sloane.

“Humanness.  It’s something that can’t truly be explained.”

“Then don’t bother,” she said. “It won’t matter anyway, so there’s really no point.”

“Indulge me,” he said.  “Being human…”

“It’s like a special warmth.  It has weight,” said Marie.  “I know because I had it.  It’s ethereal, but not.  It’s a difference sense of your body that’s alive inside your skin.”

“Thank you Marie,” said Miles.  “As I was saying…”

“It’s envied by the living dead.  They want it, remember it, and can never have it,” said Devin.

“Are you two finished?” asked Miles.

They both sat back in their chairs.

“If you both could go back to being human, would you?” Sloane asked them.

“I would,” said Marie, “as long as it wasn’t back when I was a child on the street.”

“I probably would,” said Devin, “but I’d really have to think about it, since I’m used to the strength and enhanced abilities I have.”

“How about you Miles?” asked Sloane.

“I would not,” he said.  “The thing that others are attracted to, when they see you, is the color of your skin.  The life running through you. You are so alive.  They would do anything just to be near you.  That’s part of your skill as a weapon.  Something you want to give up.  You are beautiful, even when you’re working out, sweat dripping from your body, life running down your arms and face.  Our kind often hungers for that.  Something that will forever be out of reach, no matter how many assets one has, no matter what one own.  Some would give everything they have, just to feel that life for a few minutes.”

“I see,” said Sloane.

“You can’t ask me to kill that,” said Miles, reaching for her hand.

“He’s right,” said Devin and Marie.

“Okay then,” said Sloane, standing up.  “I have places to go and people to kill.  Don’t wait up.”

“Sloane,” said Miles, as she walked away.

“No worries,” she said. “I’m fine.”

“Will you at least think about it?”


“Can we talk about this again?” he asked.


“Then have a good night.”

“Oh, I will,” she said, happily.  “I have a new weapon to try out.”

Sloane!,” called Miles.  But she was already gone.





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Sloane kept her word.  She did what she was asked.  Her life had a routine, one that she was comfortable with, for the most .  Years went by, she killed who she was asked to kill and she convinced others to go along with what Miles wanted them to do.  She was good at what she did.  She dealt with humans, now and then, but for the most part, she dealt with the others.  The reason for any job was always explained to her satisfaction.  There had only been two jobs that she refused to do. Devin was sent in her place.

One night during dinner,  she put down her fork and said, “I have a question.”

“The answer is no,” said Miles.

“Why not?”

“I won’t do it.”

Even if it’s what I want?”

“Being a vampire is not a good thing.  Living a long time isn’t a good thing either.  You don’t understand what it’s like to constantly loose people you care about.  Business gets old.  Everything gets old.  We weren’t meant to live forever.”

Sloane finished her meal.  “I’ll ask Devin to do it.”

“I’ll kill him if he turns you.  He know that.  And he’s in love with you so, if you ask him, you’ll put him a life or death situation.”

“I’ll find someone else, then.  I doubt anyone would turn me down.”

“Everyone will turn you down,” said Miles.  “They know how I feel about you and they know the consequences of going up against me.  Not to mention the fact that it would make me look bad.”

She nodded.

“Do you want me to release you from your oath?” he asked.

“No.   It’s all I know and I like the work.  But I won’t be young forever.  I didn’t think you’d let me just die.”

“I’m doing you a favor.  You may not understand that, but it’s true,” he said.  “Everything, that you’ve done a million times, gets boring.  And the loss of those you care about, adds up.   It makes your heart cold.”

“My heart is already cold.”

“You might believe that, but it’s not true.  And before you say it, Devin loves you because he believes that I’ll eventually change my mind and then he won’t have to lose you.”

“I think it should be my choice.”

“It’s not.”

“I’m not just a regular person.”

“I know that.”

“You know that if you turn me I’ll never hurt you, don’t you?”

He laughed.  “Honestly, that never crossed my mind.  But I can see that it has crossed yours.”

“Once or twice,” she said, smiling.  “But you gave everything to me, and I want you to know how grateful I am.”

“I do know.”

“I’ll protect you, as long as I can.”

“I know that too.  Now tell me why you want to live forever?”


Sloane 4

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Once the vampires who killed her parents were dead, Sloane had time to think of other things.  She worked hard, to get in shape. She studied and had dinner with Miles every evening.  They talked about what was going on in the world and she started to recognize what was important and what was not.  What could lead to trouble, or who was getting rich from things.  She knew who was suffering and why.  Their conversations sometime became intense and while he was happy because of it, he told her she had to control her passion when on a job.  She had to stick to light and non-threatening topics.  She understood what he was trying to tell her.

Devin was part of her life, as was Marie.  Devin flirted with her, teased her, taught her how to fight and how to kill people in more ways than one can imagine.  She got stronger and faster.  She felt powerful.

She rarely went out, by choice, and hardly noticed that a several years had passed.  One night, at dinner, Miles told her there would be company for dinner on Saturday.  He told her that when she went back to her room, a dress would be on her bed.  She was to wear it to dinner on Saturday. The man who would be joining them was not to be trusted.  He asked her to look for flaws in his story, lies, or misdirection.  He also said she was becoming beautiful and was no longer a child.

She shrugged.  “So?  Everyone grows up.”

“Yes my dear,” said Miles, “but some grow up much better than others.”

“Will the man be dangerous when he comes to dinner?”

“Men are always dangerous.”

“You know what I mean.  Do you think he will try anything violent while he’s here?”

“I seriously doubt it, but it’s always best to be ready, don’t you agree?”

She nodded.  “I’ll be ready.”

“I would expect nothing less.  I am constantly getting good reports about everything you do.  And your French is almost flawless.”

“After all these years, what did you expect?”

“Still.  I’m proud of you.”

“Is Saturday night a test.”

“Life is a test, but yes.  I think it’s time you start working.”

“Okay.  Why is he coming here?”

“There’s a business deal in the works.”


“We know better than to trust each other.  Still, it’s a good deal and neither of wants to let it go.  My people are stronger than his, but a fight between us wouldn’t benefit anyone.”

“So, I’ll be there to keep the peace and smile?”

“Just be yourself,” he snickered.  “I’m sure that will be fine.”

The dress on her bed was long, tight and red.  She sighed.  Don’t people get tired of the same old thing, she muttered.  There were shoes, if you can call a bunch of straps shoes, and a velvet box, as well.

“Diamonds?” she guessed.  “Rubies?”  She opened the box.  “Ah, diamonds and rubies.  Earrings too.”

Marie tapped on her door.

“Come in.”

“I see you’ve found everything.”

“Do I really have to wear all this?”

“Yes.  And, I’ll do your hair.”

“What?  Do my hair?  What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Nothing, but you need a more mature style.”

“Great,” she said, sitting down on the bed.  Even my hair has a job.”

“You’ll look beautiful.”

“Not really my thing,” she said.”

“Devin said you’re pretty tough.”

Sloane smiled.  “I’m getting there.”

“That’s high praise from Devin, believe me.”

“Do you still miss your mother?”

“My parents died so long ago, I barely remember them.  Mr. Miles found me living on the street.  I was so hungry I was eating garbage and fighting with dogs for scraps.  This was long ago, during a war.  He took me home and fed me and I’ve been with him ever since.  He’s a good man.”

“Is that how he got Devin as well?”

“That’s Devin’s story to tell,” she said, hanging up the dress.”

“You don’t have to wait on me all the time.  I can take care of myself and you can go and read, or something.”

Marie burst into laughter.  “Thank you, but this is my job.”

“I suppose I’ll get used to having dinner with people. Being around them, listening to them, and killing them.”

“You will.  That’s your job.”

Sloane nodded.  “It is.”


Saturday arrived more quickly than she would have liked.  She couldn’t believe that the person she saw in the mirror was her.”

“Wow,” said Devin.  “Maybe I’m not too old for you,  after all.”

“This isn’t me,” she said.

“Oh, sweetie, it is so you.”

“When I have to go on assignment are you coming with me?”

“Now that you’re older, and can handle things on your own, you won’t need me.”

“I think that too.  So, do you know what we’re having for dinner?”

“The usual, I would guess,” he said, fixing the clasp on her necklace.  “They are having blood, possibly mixed with a little red wine, and a few bits of very thin, very bloody raw meat.  You will be having wine and sweet and sour tofu.  But I’m not positive.”

“It’s weird that Miles and I have dinner every night and Miles doesn’t eat.”

“Food makes us sick,” sighed Devin.  “I still miss it though.  And there’s something about sharing a meal that brings people closer together, if you know what I mean.  “Well, it’s time for you to go,” he said.  “Don’t worry about a thing.  You look gorgeous and you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“Anything, baby, anything at all.  I taught you well.”

“Ego much.”

He snickered.  “A little maybe.  Just don’t fall off your shoes.”

“I’ve been practicing with shoes, so I’m good.”


“Ah,” said Miles, standing.  “Thank you Devin.  Mr. Morgan, this is my lovely niece, Sloane.”

Mr. Morgan bowed slightly.  “A pleasure.”

“The pleasure is mine,” she said, lowering her eyes, holding out her hand.

Mr. Morgan took her hand and kissed it, as Miles stood behind her, waiting to seat her.

The dinner went surprisingly well.  She smiled and laughed, in all the right places.  She was charming and intelligent, well versed in the politics of the world and well read, able to chat about almost everything.

“My uncle tells me you’re interested in aliens, Mr. Morgan.  We have that in common,” she said, encouragingly.  “The topic is truly fascinating.”

“I think they have been here from the beginning,” said Mr. Morgan.  “Your government is planning a fake landing to frighten people into giving up the last vestiges of their freedom.”

“So I’ve heard.”

He looked at her, then smiled.

“It’s impossible to believe that we have advanced so quickly, in just two hundred years, without outside help,” she said.

“That’s true,” he said softly, leaning forward.  “All people have a story of their gods landing from the sky and teaching them. Sky gods, aliens, call them what you like, but they are not from out world.”

“Indeed, they are not.  And many believe they are in government and positions of power all over the world.”

“It’s true,” he said, nodding. “They are.”

Marie walked into the room and said,  “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt, but Sloane is needed elsewhere.”

Miles stood up, as Sloane pushed her chair back.  Mr. Morgan stood as well.

“You have made this a most enjoyable evening,” said Mr. Morgan, bowing, once again.  “I am envious of your uncle to have such a talented niece.”

“Thank you.  I consider my self fortunate to have such a wonderful uncle.  “Until we meet again,” she said. “Safe journey.”

Back in her room, she slipped out of her dress and put on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top.

“You were brilliant,” said Marie, delightedly.

“It’s my job.”

“Mr. Miles will be so pleased.”

Two hours later, Miles was at her door.

“Enter,” she said, dramatically.

He was smiling.  “I hardly know what to say.  You were amazing.  You had him eating out of your hand in no time.  He would have spent the night talking with you.  After you left we discussed business and he was relaxed and in a good frame of mind because of having been with you.  I’m starting to think you’re my secret weapon.”

“I think you’re giving me too much credit.”

“This is for you,” he said, attaching a diamond bracelet to her wrist.

“Miles,” she moaned.  “You don’t have to give me presents.  I’m not a diamond kind of person.”

“It’s for when I start taking you out.”


“Now that you’re older, it’s time the others see you.”




Sloane…3 (there’s going to be more)

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“So what you’re saying, is that war is about greed and getting rid of the competition.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” said Miles.  “The men who start the wars never fight.  They just send others to die, so they can get whatever it is that they want.”

“Why do people go, when they have to kill people they don’t even know, and have people they don’t know kill them?”

“Brain washing, conditioning, patriotism, lies, more lies.  Why do people raise their children to die for someone else’s greed?”

“So, war is stupid.”

“It’s insane, but during this time in history, war never stops.  There’s too much money involved and there’s never enough for people who are heartless and greedy.”

“Have you been in wars?” asked Sloane.

“A few.  But that was many, many years ago.”

“People shouldn’t listen to those who want to kill lots of other people,”  she said.

“No.  They shouldn’t,” agreed Miles.

“How old are you?”

“Very old.”

“You don’t look old.  I mean not too old.”

“Thank you.  I do try to keep up with the time in which I am existing.  Others hold to their old ways and don’t fit in with society.  They become recluses, or people that are looked upon as eccentric or just strange.”

She nodded.  “I think I’ve seen some of those people.”

He laughed.  “It’s possible.”

“I need to know who you are.  Why you rescued me and when I can kill the vampires who murdered my family.”

“All big questions.  But you deserve answers,” he said, looking at her.  “Do you want some ice cream, while I tell you what you want to know.”

“Yes, pease.  Chocolate and strawberry.”

A human servant placed a large dish of ice cream in front of her.  Sloane thanked her and dug in.

“A very long time ago, one of your mother’s relatives saved me from something that would have made my life impossible.”

“You mean you would have died?”

“In a way,” he said.  “You see, a vampire found me wounded on a battlefield and wanted to keep me as his human slave.  He would have fed from me, beaten and tortured me, and kept me, until he grew tired of me.  Some would say that would have been a fate worse than death and I’d have to agree.  He could give me to anyone he chose, for as long as he liked, until he wanted me to be returned.  I was a young man then.”

“That sounds horrible,” she said, scraping the bowl with her spoon.

“Indeed,” he agreed. “Your mother’s family were farmers, of a sort.  The woman was a seer.  She saw my fate and made her husband search for me in the forest.  I had escaped and he did what his wife asked, and found me.  They hid me, thanks to the spells his wife put on the house, and nursed me back to health.  I vowed to repay them anyway I could.  All the man asked of me, was that I watch over future generations of his family.  As I said, at the time I was still human, so there wouldn’t be generations to look after.  However, when I was turned, or reborn, as some say, I promised that as long as I walked the earth, I would protect his line, to the best of my ability.  So, that’s who I am and that’s how I knew your mother.  I watched over her from birth, as I did those who came before her.  I saw her change from a happy and loving woman to someone who was   tense, always looking over her shoulder, and afraid.  I accidentally bumped into her in a coffee shop and, using  a bit of persuasion, got her to sit down and tell me what was wrong.

Your mother was a beautiful person.  She said she was afraid that the wrong people found out what a powerful witch she was and she thought they may kidnap you, to make her work for them.  She was agitated and told me she that she spelled the house and you as well, but she felt death moving closer with each passing day.

Your father had taken a leave of absence from teaching at the college, to stay home and help protect you.  I had three of my men watching your house, from the day I had the conversation with your mother.  Unfortunately, the killers were minutes faster than my men, who were across the street. They broke into your house and murdered your mother and father.   They left you to die in the flames, as further punishment to your parents and to send a message to others who would refuse to join them.”

“What did she do to them, to make they hate her so much?”

“I don’t know.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

“You’re welcome.  I’m sorry I failed your family.  I’m sorry I failed you.”

“It’s okay.  Nobody’s perfect and you can make it up to me by helping me kill them now.”

“I see.”

“Once they are dead, your pledge to my ancient relative will be null and void.  As a member of this family, I grant you freedom from that promise.”

He smiled and looked away.  “That is very kind of you but I cannot accept your offer.  My pledge was until I died and I will not go back on my word.”

“Okay.  I guess I get that.”


“Sure.  Now, I have a deal for you.”

“Please explain.”

“If you help me kill the vampires who murdered my parents, in the next few days, you have my word and oath that I will stay with you, learn what you want me to learn and work for you until you either dismiss me or die.”

“That’s a very serious offer.”

“It is.  I’m willing to make a blood oath.  You know the thing where you cut your finger and press it against the other person’s finger, so the oath is unbreakable.”

“You’ve done this before?”

“With Billy, when I was seven.  We made a blood oath to attend the funerals of each other’s goldfish when they died.  As it happened  it didn’t take long to fulfill our oath.”

“I see,” he said, staring at her.  “If I tell you to kill someone will you do that?”

“I said I would do what you wished unless you want me to hurt animals or other living things.  I won’t do that.  I will kill people, if you tell me why.”

“Sloane, if you make this deal, you cannot break it.  It will be good until I let you go or I die.”

“I understand.”

“No.  I don’t think you are old enough to understand, but I accept, none the less.”

“Okay, now what.”

Marie came into the room with a hand full of papers.  “Sign here, here and here,” she said to Sloane.

“What’s this?”

“It’s the oath you both just made.”

“You were listening?”

“I recorded it.”

Sloane looked at Miles.  “I want it written that if you die the oath is null and void.”

“It’s already in there,” said Marie.

“Is he going to sign it too?”

“Of course I am,” said Miles, and there’s wording in there that you will be cared for, paid a substantial amount of money, for as long as you work for me.  All of your needs and wants will be met and you can live here as long as you like.”

“What about vacations?”

“We can discuss time off as needed.”

She signed and passed the papers to Miles, who immediately signed his name.

“I’m not really sure what I just did.  But I think my mother would have trusted you not to hurt me.”

“Nicely played,” he said.

“Thank you.”


Three days later the vampires who killed Sloane’s parents, were dead.  Burned to a crisp, mulched and their ashes spread by the wind. Devin helped her push the stake into their hearts and bellies.  Before she ended them, she looked each of them in the eyes and said, “This is for my mother and father.”

Devin told her she did a great job and that he was happy to know she was staying on.

She thanked him for killing the vampires and letting her help.

“Anytime,” he said. “How do you even know about vampires?” he asked.

“Oh, they’ve always been around our house, visiting and doing things.  I didn’t know they weren’t a part of everyone’s life until people started looking at me funny when I talked about them.  Once I realized that my house was different, I stopped talking about things.  I never said anything about the witches and were’s either.  Sometimes people wondered why there were so many gigantic dogs in our yard and around the house, but when they asked, I just said they were visiting.”

Devin smiled.  “You’re a pretty cool kid.”

“Thanks.  You’re not so bad yourself, for a grown-up.



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Sloane’s room was pink and well appointed.  She looked at Marie and said, “Get rid of everything but the bed, desk and the computer.  I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll eat.  I want to know what is expected of me before I go to bed tonight.”

The woman nodded and left the room.

Sloane went through the closet and drawers, found jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of socks that looked as if they would fit, then she locked herself in the bathroom.  She stayed in the shower for a long time, thinking and trying not to see her parents being torn apart by vampires, over and over again.

She believed Miles when he said she would be able to get revenge for their deaths, so she decided to focus on that and nothing else.  But she had to wonder why he had a room ready for her when her parents had just been murdered.  She also wondered why she just sat on the floor in a burning building and didn’t try to get out.  Shock?  Maybe. But she also knew it was more than that.  She just didn’t care if she died.  The shampoo smelled like grass and grapefruit.  She liked it.

After she was dry and dressed, she went back into her room where a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup were waiting for her.  Devin was also there.

“I’m Devin,” he said.

“I know.”

Devin was about six five and solid muscle.  He had blond hair that looked windblown, green eyes and an easy smile.

“We start training tomorrow,” he said.

“Will you be teaching me how to fight?”


“Okay,” she said, holding out her hand.  “I’ll follow your instructions.”

“Deal,” he said.  “I’m not going to go easy on you just because you’re young and a girl.”

“Of course not,” she said.

“You will know pain.”

“I get it.”

“Are you sure?”

“No,” she said truthfully.

“Okay,” he said, grinning at her.  “You need some muscle mass, so you’ll be working out each day, targeting a different part of your body.  You need to be strong, get your core in shape.  You need to be fast.”

“I want to be those things.”

“I know you do.  I can feel it.”

“Really?” she asked, taking a bite out of the sandwich.


“I want revenge.”

“You’ll get it.”

“Have you taught others?”

“Not like you.  You’re young, female and skinny.”

“I am not skinny,” she said, frowning at him.

Never lie to yourself.  That’s important.”

“Fine.  I’m thin,” she said, and stuck her tongue out at him.

“These are for you,” he said, handing her one pound weights.  “Do this,” he continued.  Sets of ten, three times a day.”

“Have you killed anyone?”


“How many?”

“A lot.  Why?”

“Just making sure you know what you’re doing,” she said.

Devin laughed out loud.  “Would you like references?”

“Do you have any?”

He laughed again.  “I think I like you.”

“You’re too old for me,” she said,  “and besides someday I might have to kill you, so don’t like me too much.”

“Why would you have to kill me?”


“I’ll watch my back.”

“What time tomorrow morning and where?”

“Eight sharp, in the gym.  Marie will take you there.  Don’t eat breakfast.”

“Got it.”

“Until then,” he said, holding out his fist.

“Until then,” she said, bumping his fist with hers.

The soup was cold and she was hungry so she picked up the bowl and drank it.

“No, no, no,” said Marie, taking the bowl out of her hands.  “You must have perfect manners, so you’ll fit in anywhere.  Sit up straight.  Use your spoon.”

“I always use my spoon.  Okay, except for doing that.”

“After your workout with Devin, you will eat, then it will be time for in house school.  Then you will eat again and have lessons in walking, languages and how to dress.”

“All that just to kill two vampires?”

“Miles has other things in mind for you as well.”

“Is he going to make me his personal hit person?” she asked.

“Yes.  He is.”

“Is there any cake?”


Devin was right.  There was pain, as well as black and blue marks.  A lot of them.   He was gentle, or he would have broken me in half.  He said I was fast for my weight and age.  I did sit ups, pull ups, jumped rope, lifted weights and more.  I fell asleep on my breakfast.

The school teacher was human and spent four hours telling me things.  A designer came in and measured me.  She showed me swatches, which are tiny bits of fabric, and told me to pick out what I liked.  I told her I didn’t like swatches and just wanted to wear what I had on.  She old me that if I didn’t choose, she would do it for me, so I picked out something blue, black and pale yellow.  She left and the language teacher entered the room.

Mr. Holiday, was a tiny man, so nervous that I could have beaten him up and stolen his lunch money.  He had brown hair, brown eyes and he was wearing a brown sweater.  He had a nice voice, though, and he was very serious about the shape of my vowels, squeezing my face until it hurt.  I was going to learn French, Italian and Spanish.  I though he was insane, since I wasn’t all that good at English, but he said that Miles told him that if I didn’t speak those languages fluently, his whole family would suddenly disappear.  I told him not to worry.  I wouldn’t let that happen.  He didn’t seem to believe me, so we started with French.  It was immediately clear to both of us, that this would be an uphill battle.

Later that evening, I was brought into the dining room for dinner.  The table was set for two.  Miles sat at the head of the table and I sat at his left.

“How was your first day?” he asked, delicately placing a lettuce leaf into his mouth.


“Sloane.  You are still in the classroom.  I’m going to teach you how to have flawless conversations.  When I ask you how your fist day was, you will tell me some of the things you did, smile, take a bit of food, then tell me something else.”


“Yes.  Really?  We will begin again.  How was your fist day?”

Sloane smiled at him, her eyes flat and cold, as she dabbed at her mouth with the corner of her linen napkin and said,  “I rather liked it.  Being in the gym with Devin showed me how much I have to learn.  I looked at fabric and had a very nice lunch.  Mr. Holiday is teaching me several languages, which I hope to learn as quickly as possible.  How was your day?”

He stared at her.

“I have seen TV programs after all,” she sighed.  “I’m not stupid.”

“Well done, for a first try.”

“Why were my parents killed and who are you?”

Miles put down his knife and fork and picked up his wine glass.  “You’re going to have to learn all about wine, by the way.  I’ll take you to some vineyards, so you will know everything there is to know.  But that can wait for a bit.  I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with too much too fast.  As to your questions, your parents were powerful people.”

“In what way?”

“In the ways of magick.”

“Magick?  I don’t understand.”

“You will.  Eventually.”

“Who are you, and why do you think I’ll do anything you tell me to do?”

“You’re a lot like your mother,” he smiled, sadly.  “She would have said the same thing.”

“How do you know my mom?”

“You must be tired,” he said, placing his napkin next to his plate.

“You haven’t told me anything helpful.”

“I’m sure it seems that way to you.”

“It doesn’t seem that way, it is that way and I don’t even read books that drag things out.  So tell me, or I’m leaving.  Who are you, and how do you know my mother?  And how long before I can kill the men who murdered my parents?”



“They are vampires, Sloane.  They aren’t going anywhere.”

“I don’t want to wait years.  The vampires who killed them don’t deserve years, when my parents have none.”

“I understand how you feel, but you won’t be…”

“Will you help me kill them, or not?”

“I will.  But you won’t need my help, when it’s time.”

“I’m not waiting for time.  I’ll do it without you, if you’re afraid.”

“You’ll die, if you go after them before you’re ready.  Or worse.”


“They’ll make you one of them.”

“”I don’t have to listen to you, you know.  I’m a…free…person.”

“No one is free, Sloane.”

“What could my parents have done, that was worth killing them for?”

“Everything.  Now finish your dinner and let’s discuss the war in Ukraine.”

“Where’s Ukraine?”