Art and the philosophy of life

Archive for the ‘Cleaning/Smudging’ Category


white flower on white ceramic bowl

I haven’t smudged my house
in ages
there’s no excuse
although I could probably
come up with a reasons
or two
but they would only be
like most excuses
pretty lame
sometimes I use a drum
to cleanse the house
but I haven’t done that either
I think I put cleansing
into to the
do it later
part of my brain
I started cleaning today
then was dragged away
by an idea
so I had to do some art work
and I don’t seem to be getting back
to polishing the furniture
smudging is done
at least by me
to remove any negative
energy or vibrations
from my living space
have to get into dark corners
and other rarely used spots
to stir up the chi
my cat used to help out
but she hasn’t been
sleeping in weird spots lately
so I guess it’s up to me
to stir up the chi


Photo:  Content Pixie