Art and the philosophy of life

Archive for June, 2024

Beautiful wildlife Photos from: Bored Panda

Unique Wildlife Close-UPS By Ayush Singh That Highlight Conservation Efforts (60 Pics)

The Convestaion…

Free Cat Pet photo and picture

“It’s really hot,” she said, setting her tote bag on the ground.

“Ya think?”

“It’s going to be July soon.”

“Summer is on it’s way out,” he said, stretching.  “Pretty soon you’ll be buying all of us Catmas gifts.”

“Not funny,” she grumbled, pushing his food toward him.

“Face it, the things one likes, or the happiness one feels, lasts for forty seconds, the rest of the year is everything else.  Like winter.”

“I’d like to argue with you about that…”

“But you can’t, because it’s true.”

“But I can’t, because it’s true,” she said, sighing.

“Why do you wearing those things in your ears?”


“Yes, but they aren’t rings.”

“They’re pretty and fun.”

“You think poking holes in your ears is fun?”

“No. I think the things I put INTO the holes is fun.”

“You humans are always bored, so you mutilate yourselves…”

“If you’re not human, you  have no say in the matter.”

“Of course I do.”

“No.  You don’t.  But I could put a really tough looking necklace around your neck and you would look amazing.”

“More amazing than I look right now?”


“You know that’s impossible, right?”

“I just happen to have a book with me, that shows gorgeous cats with crowns and diamonds and…”

“Fine.  Let me see it.”

She pulled out a beautiful coffee table book filled with amazing photographs of cats that look like the true gods that they are.

“Okay, some of those cats look pretty cool.  Not as cool as I look, but they look kind of regal.”

“They do.”

“I bet they don’t live on the street.”

“I bet they don’t either.”

“They have one of those cushy lives.  Pampered pets.”

“Yes.  And you’re right,” she said.  “None of them are as cool looking as you.”

“Boo caught a squirrel.”

“Did he let it go?”

“Yes.  He said you would be mad at him if he kept it.”

“Is the squirrel okay?”

“He might limp a little.”

“At least he’s alive.”

“You could say that.”

“I am saying that.”

“You know that guy Johnny Depp?” he asked.


“He wouldn’t be who he is today if people called him John Depp.”

“You’re right,” she snickered.  “How about Tommy Cruise?

“He’s sounds like a banker.”

“He does,” she laughed.

“Now Antonio Banderas…”

“I told you, he’s not the cat in Puss in Boots.  He just did the voice of the cat.”

“Why didn’t the cat do his own voice?”

“Because people don’t know that cats can talk.”

“Then they should just make a cat talking movie for cats.”

“It wouldn’t make any money, since cat’s don’t have pockets to carry money in.”

“I’m going to ignore that,” he said, scratching at the treat bag.

“I don’t blame you,” she said, smiling.

“Do you think the world is going to end?”

“Eventually.  Yes.”

“I mean soon?”

“I don’t think the world will end, but some things might.  You should be fine, so don’t worry.  People always think he world is gong to end but it hasn’t so far.  I mean things have vanished before, but they might have simply moved to a different plane of existence.”

“Vanished?  Like disappeared?  Forever?”



“Climate change.  Catastrophic things, like comets hitting the earth, the earth moving on it’s axis and…”

“I get it.  I think I’ll start safety drills.  Tell all the cats to meet at a certain place, if something weird happens.”

“That’s a really good idea.  You can use my place.  Have everyone meet there.”

“Okay.  I’ll then Jinx to spread the word.  If a comet hits we will all be dead, but it’s still good to have a plan.”

“Can’t worry about things like comets and death,” she said, “since we don’t have control over those things.  Just live to have fun.”

“Do you have fun?”

“I do.  Everyday.  I have the most fun with all of you,” she said.

“You know that’s pretty sad, don’t you?”

“No. It’s actually wonderful.”

“Are you positive Banderas isn’t a cat?”

“I am.  I’ll get a copy of Zorro, so you can see him. You’ll recognize his voice right away.”

“Are there any cats in the movie?”

“No.  But I haven’t seen the film in years an years.”

“So there’s a possibility a cat might be in the move.  Like a cat who could be throwing his voice into the the human actor so he sounds cool, like the cat in Puss in Boots.”

“Not even the slightest chance of that being the true.”

“Can you have the movie by tonight?”

“I think so.”

“Fine.  We’ll all be over around ten.”

She leaned over and kissed him on his face, about a hundred times.  She hugged him, then kissed him again.  “I love you.”

“I know.  I’m going to nap, after I have a meeting with Jinx.  See you tonight. Snacks would be nice.”

“See you then,” she said, walking away.





Can you hear it? Words

Free Japanese Woman Painting photo and picture

be still
take a minute
do you hear it
hear the thrumming
soft as a whisper of wings
as a bird
lifts off
from a tiny twig
can you hear
the beating of her heart
can you hear
the sound of life
that is taking place
all around you
not the loud noise
the soft noise of a new plant
breaking through the soil
reaching for the sunlight
the hushed music
of a squirrel
running through the underbrush
the sound of a sleeping bee
napping in a flower
the sounds of
in a world
where that’s all
that truly exists


Picture:  Pixabay

From: Astronomy Picture of the Day

JADES GS z14 0: A New Farthest Object

Sweet and uplifting photographs from: Bored Panda

50 Positive And Uplifting Pics From The “Wholesome Meets The Internet” Page

Amazing sand sculptues…from: New England Nomad

From: Stigmatis

The Magic Shop…Part Five

Free Old Books Book photo and picture

Jade appeared and waved at Jack.  “Come with me,” she said, already turning to leave the room.



“I said, no.”


“No.  I’m not going anywhere until I get some answers and make up my OWN mind as to what I want to do.”

Jade turned to Sam, who held up his hands and said, “Hey, don’t look at me.”

“How is this my cat?”

That’s your first question?  How is that your cat?”

Jack nodded, holding the cat in his arms.”

“The cat has been with you the entire time.  I dropped her off when I traded you for the human baby.”

“I never saw her.”

“You weren’t supposed to see her.  She was there to protect you, not be a pet.”

“So that feeling of always being watched was real and my father was coughing, rubbing his eyes, and getting allergy shots for years because he was allergic to cats, and he didn’t know he had one?”

“I guess,” she said.

“No wonder he got better after I moved out.”

“Juice anyone?” asked Sam.  Everyone said yes, including the cat.

“Look, I know you have no idea what’s going on but you don’t have a choice in this matter.  Come with me now.”

“There are always choices,” said Jack.

Sam shook his head.  “Your choices seem to be limited to being a prince in fairy, or being dead.”

“Still a choice,” said Jack.

Jade started pacing.  “Remember  Julie Smith, the girl who sat  next to you in third grade?  Or Marcy Lin, in fourth?”


“They were fairies, watching over you.  Fairies have ALWAYS watched over you, to keep you safe.  Are you going to throw all of that away and die, instead of accepting your birthright?”

“My parents are Judy Karn and Jerry Jons.  I’m their son.  My life and birthright is in the human world.  You made sure of that.  I might be a fairy, but my life has been human.”

“Sam,” said Jade.  “Say something.  Make him understand.”

Same poured everyone more juice and said, “I’ve been watching over this shop for three hundred years.  I didn’t choose to do it, still don’t want to, but I guess it’s my job.  It’s not so bad, you know.  I meet interesting beings and I get to read all the time.  Now and then we just have to do things we haven’t chosen for ourselves.”

“Three hundred years?” said Jack, horrified.  “You’ve been doing something you never wanted to do, for three hundred years?”

“Our lot lives a long time,” he said.

“Unlike humans, who last a few years and then fall apart, rot, or just drop dead,” added Jade.  “Weaklings.  Bad design, if you ask me.”

“Sam,” said Jack.  “You need to quit this job and have the life you always wanted.”

“Maybe.  One day.””

“Just walk away,” said Jack.  “Don’t wait.  Do it now.”

“Fairies rode dinosaurs.  We’ve been here forever and we practically live forever too,” said Jade, still pacing. “You are going to live a very long time, Jack.  When was the last time you were sick?”

“I’ve never been sick.”

“And you never will be.  You aren’t one of them.”

“There’s more to being someone than genetics, Jade.  I’m one of them because it’s all I know and I’m happy.”

“We won’t be able to protect you, if you walk away.”

“I know.”

“Do you want to die, Jack?” she asked.

“No.  But I also don’t want to live a life I didn’t choose for myself.”

“You don’t even know what fairy is.”

Suddenly, the most beautiful woman Jack had ever seen was kneeling in front of him.  Tears were running down her face.

“My son,” she said.  “At last.”

“You shouldn’t be here Rose,” said Jade, quickly moving to her side.  “They’ll know you’re out of the castle.”

“I had to see my son.  I’ve waited long enough.”

“What about the son who took my place?” asked Jack.

You’re my son,” she said, holding his hands.

“I’m not,” he said.  “I don’t even know who you are.”

“Juice, anyone?”

No one answered.

“Humans may not be that bright,” said Jack,  “They lie a lot, not just to others, but to themselves.  They’re violent, crazy, mean, beautiful, kind, loving and a lot of other things as well, but I like that world.  I know that world.  I can be whatever I want to be in that world.  I have friends and family there.  I love what I do.

“No!” said his mother.  “You can’t do this.  You have to come home.  I did what I had to do to protect you.”

“I’m sure you did what you thought was right.  But I’m leaving now.  I’m going home.  Sam, will you take care of my cat?”

“I will,” he said, taking Baby from him.

The cat struggled and hissed, but Sam held onto her.

“I’m not afraid to die,” he said, smiling at them.  “I am afraid to live a life I don’t want to live.”

His mother was sobbing as she watched him walked through the crowded bookstore, toward the front door.

“I just wanted to buy a magic trick for my nephew,” said Jack.  “Funny how things work out, isn’t it?”  Then he stepped outside.

He never reached the street.  They were waiting for him, just as Jade said they would be.

The cat tore from Sam’s arms, ran through the open door and laid on top of Jack.  She licked his face and purred.  When anyone came near him, she snarled, her red eyes vicious, her claws out.  She snuggled under his chin and told him stories about a cat who loved a boy.  An arrow flew through the air and the cat stopped purring.  She stopped telling stories.

Sam came out of the shop and looked at Jack and Baby, bloody, and dead on the sidewalk, arrows piercing their bodies. Then he looked toward the rooftops across the street.  Fairy archers stood there, bows at rest.  They did what they came to do.  The prince was dead.

“I quit,” said Sam, wiping at his eyes, as he walked away.

While everyone stood in silent horror, Jack and Baby’s spirits were running down the street, laughing, as they headed for the Light.

Some happily ever afters aren’t what people expect them to be.  Humans know that, even if fairies don’t.







If you’re interested in what’s going on in space…this is pretty good.

From: Stigmatis