Art and the philosophy of life

A man riding a bike next to a body of water

I can’t tell  you how happy I was
to see this photo
I spent a LOT of time
right here
on the
North Avenue Rocks
(there are no rocks obviously)
I loved this place
still do
we all hung out here
including the life guards
we were tight with
it was wonderful
usually crowded
a beach is to the right
(you can see a bit of it)
and the rocks
are to the left
farther down
(you can’t see those LOL)
The Rocks are just a cement slab
the water is kind of deep
I’m flooded
with happy
what a blast
behind the ice cream guy
you can see
Navy Pier sticking out
the ferris wheel
is over his shoulder
just a reminder
of my youth
and one good time
after another
seems like
a thousand years ago
or just yesterday


Photo:  Luke Witter

Comments on: "The North Avenue Rocks…Chicago" (14)

  1. Yesterday is always forever… It must be wonderful to have access to so much water after the dire winters you have… Makes it worth waiting for summer… And nice memories.

    • Lake Michigan is huge and very dangerous. When storms hit, I would take a couple of busses and go down there to watch the waves hit the wall and go all the way over Lake Shore Dive. Huge waves. Sometimes they had to close the Drive (the street that runs along the lake and is very fast and busy). The waves were incredibly powerful. But the lake can be deadly. A friends brother was on his boat with his friends. He fell overboard and his body was never found. Undertows, riptides (I was caught in a riptide and was saved by something supernatural, that’s for sure). I was sure I was going to die and was happy and everything was so beautiful. Then something saved me and dragged me through the water and threw me onto the beach. In reality, I should have been dead quite a few times, mostly in water, but something always did save me and I never stayed out of the water. No explanations for any of it.

    • Absolutely true. Lake Michigan is so huge. It’s a great lake, no pun intended. 🙂

      • One might actually winder wether it’s not a small interior sea. Humans put labels on everything, right. Who says what’s a lake and what’s a sea.

  2. how wonderful! and the water can be a wicked mistress

    • It truly can be, but wonderful non the less. When you think about it, it’s crazy that people even go into large bodies of water. I mean we’re tiny dots in a craze lake or ocean, but still…we feel invincible, I guess. And it’s fun.

  3. sometimes we live for our memories of good/better/spectacular times…. and I‘m glad that you have them too. You could have been traumatised for the rest of your life . HH grew up at Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) and as a child nearly drowned three times. Since then he doesn‘t go swimming or even feels like standing in lakes…. I find that incredible as I‘m a ‚water rat‘ but I also understand his fears.

    • Everyone reacts differently. I never think things can happen again…of course, they do but I love the water, so in spite of almost drowning three times, I just kept gong back. But I can certainly understand his fear and why risk it if it’s not fun.

  4. “seems like
    a thousand years ago
    or just yesterday”

    I know just what you mean!

  5. Wonderful!

    Cool shot, Gi.

    You grew up in a great time in a great place.

    I’m happy for you, and yes our memories are a time(s) frozen. The tasty bits and happy adventures in Mutoscope sequences are precious when brought to mind. xx

  6. Isn’t it wonderful when a photo can evoke such happy memories?

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