Art and the philosophy of life

65 Women Share The Struggles That Men Will Probably Never Fully Understand

Comments on: "This is so IMPORTANT…from: Bored Panda" (4)

  1. So long as there are the, biological, differences of the two, sexes, there will NEVER be, any forms of, GENDER EQUALITY, because, we women, have the, organs that, made us too easily, VICTIMIZED, besides, the world, the culture, the society had, always been, centered around the, MALE gender, which means, that, NO matter what, we women will, always have the, short end of, that, “stick”, it’s, totally, unfair, but, that is, the, TRUTH! And, despite how, we women were, finally, allowed to, vote (based off of what? The, 19th amendment, was it???), our rights to vote, still, came, AFTER, the “colored males'”, right to vote, and, if the, “Caucasian-American” females’ rights come AFTER, the men of a, “lesser shade”, imagine how, even MORE reduced rights that, all of us, female, not-white citizens have, not to mention, how our rights to have an abortion got,”sliced-and-diced” by the, Supreme Court, when RvW got, overturned! And, ALL of these, are the, BY-PRODUCTS of, the, Republicans’, White Supremacy, Christianity CRAP, and, aren’t they thinking sbout, mandating morning prayers in the, public schools now too???

    • It’s really as simply as men hate and fear women. They see us as prey and objects. They do what they want to us because they can. Women are crushed, their lives made small because of that hatred.

  2. so many sad and infuriating truths shared here

    • I couldn’t agree more. Women held prisoner, their lives never allowed to blossom, living in fear, their dreams ignored all by the male establishment who truly do hate women as a group.

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