Art and the philosophy of life

Comments on: "Great speaker and ALL GOOD NEWS!!!! Short and sweet…don’t miss it…you’ll feel better." (6)

  1. this is brilliant. Shall send it to all my English speaking friends. We NEED a thumb up in those times where bad news are on every day‘s programm. Thank you for sharing. I‘m subbed to TED talks but never find the time to search and listen to themes that interest me. You‘re being a big help.

    • Thank you and definitely spread the good news. It breaks the cycle of gloom and doom that we are bombarded with on a daily basis. I never watch the news. It’s all propaganda and lies. No one EVER gives us good new, so this was truly great. I agree.

  2. Thank you for this. It’s getting harder and harder to watch the news. And too often, I catch myself doom scrolling looking for a glimmer of hope.

    • They are feeding people doom and gloom to make them afraid, so they’ll let the government do whatever it wants to do to “protect” them. When, in fact, people need to be protected from the government itself.

  3. We are all losing by letting this all happen but, we can turn them off and not let them get into our heads so we can live and make our own choices instead of fighting when there is no chance of winning any longer. At least not alone. Concentrate on the good news. It’s not easy for me, that’s for sure. I’m used to fighting everything, but I’ve come to realize that that itself is a set up and I want a life with more sun. So I’m trying to let things go and just have more fun.

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