Art and the philosophy of life

Think about it…


Free Brown Moose Stock Photo

we are always warned
about walking up to wild animals
they can kill us
and are not for petting
or feeding
they are dangerous
and can be deadly
especially during
mating season
but not all of us
meet up with a moose
most of us have never
seen one in person
and for women
or many other harmful
animals are not an issue
because for us
is the most deadly
creature there is
and they are everywhere

Free Man Outdoors photo and picture

Both pictures: Pixabay

Comments on: "Think about it…" (8)

  1. They walk among us!

  2. the call is coming from in the house!

  3. Humans are, WAY more, DANGEROUS than, wildlife. At least, wildlife would normally, NOT attack, unless they’ve been, provoked, unlike how, humans can and will, kill, at, random…

  4. Absolutely! I could not agree more!

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