Art and the philosophy of life

Movies…and life.

I love the movie, MIDNIGHT IN PARIS, but I hate the pseudo intellectual (the dark haired guy).  So, when I watch it, which I just did, I simply edit him out of the film.  That way, I can enjoy the film, with none of the aggravation.  I do that with every film I watch more than once.  I don’t think those characters make a film better, I think they’re just pathetic and annoying.  Not everyone would agree, of course.   But I love Paris, and the film is so cool, why watch any annoying parts?

After I wrote that, I realized that’s exactly the way I have lived my life.  I edit people out.

Comments on: "Movies…and life." (21)

  1. That’s the way!

  2. One of Linda and my favourites.
    A bit of creative escapism, with
    a romantic happy ending 💕😎👍

  3. I love that movie. Wait… who’s the dark-haired pseudo-intellectual? Do you mean Michael Sheen? I love him as an actor and you know he’s doing a good job if you hate him for being annoying 😉

  4. Love that movie. But who’s the dark-haired guy? I don’t remember him at all. I must have edited him out… 😉

    • He’s the “pedantic” one. The one who thinks he knows everything . Blah. And it is such a good movie. Love the time traveling and the artists…so cool.

      • I loved the movie, and being French I’m always critical about (everything) movies set in Paris… But it’s a masterpiece.

      • Definitely one of my favorites and having you say that it’s a masterpiece is wonderful. They showed so many places I’ve been to, although a couple of weeks in Paris is nothing. Still, it’s what I had. Without the character I don’t like, it’s the perfect film. 🙂

      • It is. Perfect. (Let’s edit the idiot out)

      • The cast, other than that guy, was absolutely perfect in every way. 🙂 Hope you’re getting ready for the holidays. We have lots of birthdays coming up as well. Busy time for sure.

      • Yes, the cast was very good. The French actress too. What was her name? Mélanie Laurent I think.
        Busy time indeed. It’s like I’m wrapping up all the year’s red tape… LOL.
        How are the chicklets doing? Busy getting everything ready?

  5. In a way one’s life is their own personal movie. We get to edit! .. and add soundtrack, and costumes, and sets and props.
    It’s unfortunate so many on the planet are stuck in horror movies, without editing tools or any other options to create.

    • That is the TRUTH. You said it perfectly. We can edit anytime we like but people use weapons, like guilt and tradition to destroy the lives of others. No one has to play that sick game, however. Breaking those negative ties leads to freedom and much better movies.

  6. Too many people are afraid to do what is necessary to be happy.

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