Art and the philosophy of life

Okay so, here’s the thing.  People who have Near Death Experiences are forever changed.  The thing that actually happens to them, in their NDE, is that they are shown the “truth” of what’s on the other side and they can see the reason they came here in the first place. They can see that they chose the life they had been living and chose the things that have happened to them, no matter how wonderful or terrible.  You can see how profoundly they have been altered by watching their videos.  In other words, the veil was lifted and things suddenly made sense.

They all talk about the unconditional love they feel on the other side.  A love so strong, and intense, there isn’t even a word for it in this reality.  All of their experiences are different from each other, but there are definitely similarities.  Love is one of the things they all encounter.

Making sense of our lives and of the earth experience, is the thing that is missing from our world, so is the kind of love that’s on the “other side.” Those things are purposely withheld from us, so we can have this dark, dense, insane experience.  Once the NDE people see that this place isn’t real, they will do almost anything not to go back into their bodies.  No one wants to squeeze back into the body that is laying somewhere, sick, or broken.  Many don’t even recognize their bodies and few think much about anyone, or anything, they are leaving behind.

Apparently we sign up for this place.  That’s because when we’re on the other side, or as the NDE people say, when we’re “home,” we forget what it’s like to be on earth, just as we forget what it’s like to be on the other side, when we’re here on earth.  So, when these people tell their stories, we can only understand their experience to a certain point, since we can’t remember how things feel when we aren’t here.

No one likes it here, once they have been on the other side.  But we are MADE to forget the other side, so that we can come to earth to be abused, or supposedly learn a lot of mean things to bring back to the “real” world, on the other side.  If this sounds like madness, I agree, but I think it might be true nonetheless.

Many who come back to their bodies are massively depressed, sometimes for years.  They don’t want to be here.  Understandable.  They just came from perfection and were forced to return to this place, in order to fulfill their contract.  I don’t see why souls would sign a contract if they truly knew what they were getting into, but that’s the thing, the souls actually don’t know what they’re getting into.  If we forget on both sides, then we don’t have the information we need to make an informed decision for anything, which proves that some of the nasty things that are here on earth, also exist on the other side.

NDE people can ask questions, as many as they’d like, when they cross over, and all the answers downloaded immediately.  Unfortunately, they are not allowed to remember all the answers when they return because, “we  (humans) are not ready for the answers.”

Most people who have a NDE can’t wait to die and go “home” again.  But because they saw the”life plans,” they themselves made before they came here, they don’t kill themselves.  They have stuff to do, like write books to spread the word, or lecture, or help people.  Things like that.  Spread the love.  Spread the word.

It seems obvious to me, that we don’t think with a human mind on the other side, which, in a way, is too bad, since I think there would be a lot more questions.  People are so happy to get rid of ego, and all the stuff that comes with it, they seem to accept whatever is there (I have questions about that).  Some ask questions, like the woman who was shot to death, along with her two kids, by her husband, who then killed himself.  She asked the Source how something like that could happen, how horrifying that things like that were allowed to exist.  She kind of blamed the Source.  She was told her kids plan was to be shot to death and leave life early.   She was sent back, against her will,  because she wasn’t finished fulfilling her life’s plan.  It was a group plan, they signed contracts.  No biggie.  It was meant to happen.  But don’t talk about predestination, because that doesn’t exist, only free will exists, I just don’t know where it exists.

Basically, whatever happens, no matter how horrendous, is all planned ahead of time.  All of us are male and female, at times, killers and the killed, abuser and the abused.  So, if you think about it the way the NDE people see it, nothing at all matters because it’s just a play and we really are the actors.  They all say that love matters.  That’s really ALL that matters, that’s why there’s none on earth.  If that makes sense, good luck.  The kind of love we left at “home,” can’t exist here.  If it did, it would be paradise and we certainly can’t have that.  So, we’re supposed to love but we can’t.  I guess we’re supposed to do the best we can with what we have and see the light and beauty in each person, no matter if he’s putin, hitler, the guy next door who beats his kids and dog, which is what his kids signed up for.  I’m not sure about the dog.   As Geena Davis said in the Long Kiss Goodbye, “Life is pain,” and that’s what this place is, for most, at one time or another.  It’s like a mean game.

There’s payback here, but those who come back, call it balance instead.  Same thing, different word and either way, we agree to being brutalized, because we did it last time.  There is no payback/balance or punishment on the other side.  No one is punished, per se, we just see all the things we did from birth to death in a quick life review, from our own view point and the point of view of the other people we interacted with.  No matter how horrible we were, we are supposed to learn what we don’t want to do next time, or again, if we go back.  We feel the pain we caused others.  Well, we were on earth, a place that’s full of pain, so…logic would say that pain was to be expected, don’t you think?  Pain and suffering is part of the game.  It’s WRITTEN into the game, so one wouldn’t expect anything else.

Souls who start to come here, then change their minds, often result in miscarriages, but the parents, signed up for that too.  I wish I could have told my mom about that, maybe she wouldn’t have spent her life mourning over the two miscarriages she had.  I’m sure that was also part of her plan.  Everything is part of the plan and the contracts seem unbreakable.  So choices and free will are not always available when you would like them to be.  Maybe we sign our contracts in energy, since I doubt we have blood, but I’m not sure about that, but once the plan is made and the contract is signed, your choices are gone.  Like any contract on earth, the fine print is usually ignored and one is manipulated into believing the con man.

So, while earth is a place of pain and suffering,  it’s not terrible, if you die and come back, knowing the truth.  The truth, like love, which is withheld on purpose.   So we never have any idea what’s going on and the suffering that millions of people across the world experience, is just part of their life plan and contract, so they could learn what it is like to suffer but not understand that they chose to do what they are doing.

Obviously, there are millions of us who choose to come back here.  I think we’ve all been played and lied to, but that’s just me.  Other people think this is wonderful.  I think it’s just mean.  The suffering on the planet, while real here, isn’t real at all, it’s just what we said we’d do before we signed on, not knowing what we were getting into.  And that’s the lie.  Not knowing what we were getting into when we said we would come here.  If we knew the truth before we said we’d come here, no one would come.  Because if a soul actually knew what torture FELT like, the soul would say no thanks and walk, or float away.  The lie exists.  The manipulation exists.

Once people are made aware of their life plan, by having an NDE,  they are busy being nice to everyone and understanding the whole plot to this story called earth.  Many quit their jobs, they change friends, because their old friends think they are crazy.  They all write books, lecture, have podcasts, etc. They are expected to spread the word.  That’s great, they want people to know, but people can’t feel what they do.  Like the one guy said, you tell tell someone what it’s like to ride a bike, but until the person rides one, they don’t really know what it’s like to ride a bike.

Anyway, I wish this made sense to me.  I really do.  But no matter how many books I read, no matter how many NDE people I listen to, looking at their faces lit up with joy and light, I think this whole thing is stupid.

It’s a good thing everyone says the Source is happy to see anyone and that the Source loves everyone because I’ll be in front of whatever the Source is, one of these days, and I have questions.  And I don’t want to do the things I might be expected to do, on the other side, and if free will exists I’ll want to know why I have to have a life review, or do whatever it is, when all I want to do is go the the library, meet my animals, the people I loved (as best I could being on earth), and have a pizza.  Seriously, if we’re energy, how do we eat chocolate.  Is that the great punishment for dying?  No chocolate?

Oh, and there are souls who never come here.  They still raise their vibrations, just slowly.  We, the earthlings, learn more/faster and raise our vibrations more quickly, which doesn’t make sense because that seems like discrimination to me.  A perfect environment wouldn’t have different levels of vibration.  Shouldn’t we all be the same when living in perfection?  But no, there are lower and higher vibrations.  How is that fair?  But again, that’s probably just me.  You can call a pig a unicorn but it’s still a pig.  It’s like a class system but if everyone is so happy, they won’t even notice.

One more thing you should know…no matter how long we live, in this life time, it’s only like a minute on the other side, where time doesn’t exist.  So suffering here only lasts for the blink of an eye, to those on the other side.  A kid being burned and kept in a cage in some guy’s basement might feel better if he knew that, right?  If he knew he signed up for what was happening to him and that in the scheme of things the months he’s been tortured don’t amount to more than a second, on the other side.  Same for the kids who signed up to die of starvation.

If the Source made this place, you already know what I think.

So, perfection and the most amazing love one couldn’t ever imagine, waits for us on the other side, where there is no illness, or aging, or anything but joy and happiness.  NO ONE WANTS TO LEAVE THERE but they are tricked into it.

We often come here with a soul group and take turns playing different roles each time.  So look around you and think that your three year old may have been your mother in another life.  We are trying to get a lot of experience so we can forget all of it.  Do you remember your last life?  I didn’t think so.  You’ll meet the people you were with when you die.  It’s all about forgetting, no matter what side you’re on.

I think the NDE is an advertisement for death.  But there are those pesky contracts and no choices, in a place where free will is supposed to exist and, we keep forgetting that what happens to us is what we are manipulated into choosing to happen.

I think I identify with earth too much trust anyone on the other side.  Truthfully, when the NDE people go on and on about the beauty, love and incredible wonder of being dead and “home,” I can’t even imagine it.  The answers they are given are too easy and don’t really deal with what’s happening here.  I think I’m too jaded and too used to earth.  Maybe I’ve been her one too many times.  I have no faith or trust in any side.

And I’ve had a great life.  I really have.  Now I know that my son and husband made plans and signed contracts to both die horrible deaths from leukemia.  It’s what they signed up for.  I obviously signed up to watch them die.   So, we both did what we came here to do.  Their contracts have been fulfilled…mine…not so much.

I do know that the truth about what each side is like is kept from us, no matter which side we’re on.  No one would come here if they knew the truth.  Some of the NDE people have said that.  The did not know what they were getting themselves into.

Fun fact: when we’re dead, apparently we can go anywhere…to other planets, solar systems, all over the place and visit other life forms, etc.  Some NDE people get to do that while they are there and they are ALLOWED to remember where they went.  Most of the time a lot of the things they are told are erased from their memory when they go back into their bodies.

Some NDE people say they were just energy, on the other side, others say they still had bodies and saw other people, their dogs, etc.  If I thought we kept our bodies, I’d have DO NOT GO BACK TO EARTH FOR ANY REASON EVER YOU STUPID IDIOT, tattooed on my arm.  But I’m sure that wouldn’t be allowed, because here or there, someone else is making up the rules.  Free will is a joke, no matter where we are.

The worse your life is, the more you learn, the more your learn, the higher your vibration go up.   The perks of misery.  You have to love that.  Seriously, how insane it all is.

And if whatever is running the show is pure, unconditional love, why would it make/send people to a place like this?  I wouldn’t, and I’m not a big deal, but I’m a lot nicer than that,  and that seems to be a major flaw.  I’d protect people from this place.  But that would be stupid, because people, ALL of them, sign contracts to die early, kill others (as a favor to the person they kill, by the way), and do truly horrible things to each other, so they can learn and vibrate at a new level.  That’s a set up made in hell, but hell doesn’t actually exist, so there is that.    Souls sign up to be abused, beaten, etc., or to have a good life, once in awhile (not a lot of upward vibes that way).  This is what the NDE people say.  And once they know this, no matter what has been done to them, or by them, everything makes sense.  For those of us who have not died and come back, are walking around in the dark.

And in case you’re wondering, the people who have NDE’s come from every socio-economic walk of life.  Every age (small children have them too), race, and religion, or no religion.

So, don’t worry about anything.  Nothing bad is happening.  It’s all what we signed up for.  It’s all in our life plans and contracts. . Hit by a car?  The driver came here with you, to be at that exact place, at that exact moment, to hit you, so you could experience being hit by a car, and the driver could experience hitting you.  You may have role reversal next time around and you can hit him.  You decide those things together.

Fun fact:  when people who have had a NDE are looking down at their bodies, some of them don’t recognize themselves, others can’t believe they will fit back into them.  When we die, we are enormous energy, not tiny things that fit into these little bodies.  Some say it hurts, or is uncomfortable, getting back into them.  And then, of course, once people are back, their pain starts again.  But that’s okay, because that’s what they signed up for, whether they knew it or not.

If you wanted to be president, or rich, and you’re not, you made the wrong plan and signed the wrong contract.  Read the small print next time.

So, here are a few NDEs that are fun and interesting.  The first one is a good speaker and the ending is great because he explains things beautifully.

The second on is also interesting, a bit different, but cool.

The third one will take you on a tour of the other side.  Very detailed and fun.

The last one is by a kind of an excited to be alive spirit, having a human experience.  She had a horrible childhood and had to overcome a LOT.  Her story is interesting and after her NDE she’s happy and having a wonderful life now.

Yes…they all have books.  They all do. Many books.  Lots and lots of books.

Hope you enjoy one, or all of them.  They really are all different and there are thousand of more of them out there.  Now that people can talk about what they experienced, they are doing just that.

Comments on: "Okay, so…NDE in a nutshell. I put a bunch of videos’ of people who have had a NDE at the end, in case anyone is interested. They are all very different…this is really long, but if you’re interested in this stuff, give it a shot, or just go right to the end and watch a video or two. And keep in mind that I’m sarcastic and lack trust in any system that exists. LOL So my words might just have a bit of an edge." (12)

  1. i don’t have the time to read this right NOW but i will…. i just would like to invite you to read The Midnight Library by Matt Heig, if you haven’t already. it’s an insane book and might well fall in your NDE field! Have fun

  2. his name is HAIG, sorry, my fingers do what THEY want!

  3. That was interesting, Gi. I never heard any of this before, although I have heard of NDE.

    • There’s so much out there nowadays. It is interesting and a lot of things make sense. You just have to dig through them and take what you want from each one. Most people aren’t afraid to tell what happened to them not. Before they got locked up. But it has always happened. I think, because of the way things are in the world, these kinds of things are really pouring out to try and get people to wake up and realize they don’t have to be asleep, that they came here to actually do something. As you said, it’s interesting. 🙂

  4. I have watched almost all of the videos– still have the last one to finish. My favorite is the first. It is all fitting nicely with reading the “Divine Romance” by Paramahansa Yogananda, the guru of the heart one might say. It was blowing my mind to have Yogananda’s epiphanies to read, being sick, someone pitching Islam to me for me and light-years explained all at once. They are related in some way which I can’t explain now but it was blowing my mind to bits. It doesn’t take much. I believe in NDE ‘s and have read that we pick the families we are born into and lifetimes we have to learn lessons we must learn to overcome our weaknesses. I remember ever since I can remember being very unhappy being born and telling my mother I didn’t ask to be born. (Must have been great for her to hear.) Life is so painful and the only beautiful thing about it is love and that includes love made manifest in nature. It is a very difficult concept to think about. I don’t know why we couldn’t have been created perfect so we wouldn’t have to suffer the hell of life on earth in the paradoxical beauty of nature. It seems cruel and I don’t really buy the original sin story of Adam and Eve. Anyhow it is something I am working through to prepare to die. I welcome death though I love my husband very, very much and wouldn’t want him to suffer my loss and selfishly don’t want to suffer the loss of him, REALLY don’t want to go through that. Have wanted to die for all my life. Of course, I am Bipolar and that explains some of it. Anyhow I thank you so much for posting the videos and discussing all this. It is coming together but very hard to live everyday life with it on your mind because it is huge, beyond huge, many, many light-years of things to ponder.

    • Sounds as if you’re doing great work. And yes, no adam and eve. Don’t believe that at all. The major things I’ve learned from listening to tons of NDE and reading about it, is that we absolutely chose this life and what we are going through. Any illnesses, or problems were chosen to give us the chance to experience those things. Sounds beyond idiotic to me, but supposedly that’s what we did. I think accepting things (for me) is better than trying to overcome anything. I’m pretty good and doing that. Earth is the toughest planet there is and we are the grand experiment all the other beings are watching (supposedly).

      Ever since I was a child I told people I wasn’t from here and I was from there, I said pointing at the sky. LOL Even through grade school, my friend and I did drawings of space ships we were going to build to go “home.”

      This is a very difficult place to be, to put it nicely. It’s actually horrible, but beautiful (nature). When people die, it’s because it was planned before they came here. The people who are left here, are supposed to learn something from the loss but it’s much easier to deal with if you know those things were going to happen from the beginning. It’s all planned out. You absolutely cannot die until you are supposed to and you can not live if your contract is up. So there’s never anything to worry about.

      The more we learn, the easier it is to stay here, at least for me. I was so angry at The Source for setting things up this way and felt so stupid for being dumb enough to come here and be born. Blah, but then I figured we were like crazy warriors, PLAYING with fire.

      It’s hard being here, but we chose to come, chose our parents and chose what would happen to us and when you watch the last video, she will explain it much better than I am.

      I decided to see the beauty of the planet and kind of erase or move the people out of it. The flowers, birds, everything…all amazing. It’s our species that destroys everything it touches.

      And I’m still not happy that people come here to torture others, murder, and are so evil. I’ll never be okay with that, even if they agreed to do it. That can never make sense to me. But the woman in the third video talks about that too.

      I don’t know if it will help. Some days I can understand it better and other days I can’t and this whole thing seems insane.

      We won’t know the truth (if it exists, which I doubt), until we’re dead. I don’t think we can feel okay about things while we’re here, we just have to do the best we can.

      I hope things become easier for you, through your reading and watching things. Always feel free to write to me. We are on the same planet, going through this journey together. We have to stick together. 😊

  5. Just wanted to tell you how touched I was by your words. I think you have a very old soul and are very wise and talented in so many ways… and you have passed what, in my mind, is the big test, caring for and losing your son and your husband!! Those are the things I admire about you. And then there are the Chicklets and your fascinating and thoughtful and thought-provoking blog. I found somewhere on your blog yesterday that you had published two books which eventually I will look up, and that the Chicklets do find a home in publication in a periodical. I did so want them to find a published home so more people could enjoy them as I have and do. So I was really touched when you said I could feel free to write to you anytime! It meant so much to me. Really!! And I would like to say that you could feel free to write me but feel I have little to offer other than an ear which I do offer to you. Really!! Well, you have added a lot for me to integrate into my understanding of things, big things. Thank you so very, very much.

    • I think you have so very much to offer everyone. All of your experience with your illness and you coping methods, your constant search for answers and information. I think you’re wonderful and very wise. Thank you so much for your kind words. We are learning together. 🙂

  6. Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate all!!

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