Art and the philosophy of life

Posts tagged ‘Message from a cat’

Meow…a message from a cat.

grayscale photography of tabby cat

I see things you can’t see.  I can see into more dimensions that you can.  Those you call dead, or departed, are everywhere…they’re all around you.  Things that never manifested on earth, stop by to watch you move through your lives.  You just can’t see them.  I can.

We aren’t allowed to tell you what’s really here, moving through this dimension along with you.  We can’t tell you how the past isn’t really gone and the future is here as well.  If you could understand us, it would change the way you live.  It would change what you believe, it would change everything.

The dead can’t help you.  No one can.  When you look at me, you see wisdom and knowing. Look at any human and all you’ll see is confusion, walls, and blankness.  You may see laughter, joy, pain or sorrow, but those are emotions, not intelligence or knowing.   We were sent her to help you.  To lead you.  But your egomania stops you from seeing yourselves, let alone the rest of the living beings on the planet.

Look at me and you will see truth and true beauty.  Keep in mind, that I am the number one predator in the world, but you, well, you’re the most hateful.   No other animal alive, hates.  Your species is the only one.


Photo:  Dmitriy Karfagenskiy