Art and the philosophy of life

Rene Rosso went all out producing her new floral themed revue at the Garfield Park Conservatory. Creative Director, Rebecca Budd was brought in from Vancouver to design a big screen backdrop for the catwalk, and to narrate the event. “Good Evening Dahlings! I’m thrilled to be here in Chicago with you, and the Art Gowns Models. […]

🌹 Rene Rosso 🌹 in Chicago — Art Gowns

Comments on: "🌹 Rene Rosso 🌹 in Chicago — Art Gowns (A FABULOUS story by Resa Don’t miss a single one of her drawings…check them out)" (9)

  1. Thank you, Gi! It’s great to be in Chicago!

  2. It was fun to see the Chicklets and the beautiful gowns!! 🐥 👗 🐥

  3. It was so neat to see them on there with all the high fashion! 😃

    • Thank you so much. Resa likes to include the chicklets in her work. 🙂 They are heavily into fashion and she’s very good to them, since she likes their style. 🙂 They helped her with the flowers. LOL Thank you again.

  4. Fab post! love the gowns and the chicklets!

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