Art and the philosophy of life

of all your adopted siblings
you Klaus
without a doubt
are my favorite
you inhabit your character
and often
unable to cope
you are always
open to whatever happens next
you can face it
or drink yourself into
your ride along ghost
is great fun
although there is that
new twist
and while completely
most of the time
your series
attacks important issues
of the day
issues that never seem to
and Number Five
brave and clever genius
that you are
you run in circles
trying to save
your brothers and sisters
and the world
you are all
just one big
normal family
each with special
needs and gifts
but through all the
you love each other
and always stand together
and fearless

Comments on: "The Umbrella Academy…Netflix…new season" (16)

  1. Glad you reminded me of this show! My daughter had mentioned it and I forgot. Sounds like quite a family:)

  2. The sixties were perfect for Klaus. Vietnam, though…

  3. I can’t even watch the news right now. Not if I want to sleep. And yes, something to look forward to for sure. Have a great week.

  4. i haven’t started the new season yet… looking forward to it!

  5. Klaus is amazing. He deserves so much, I love how all the siblings adapted to the 60s (and of course he started a cult haha). Here was my thoughts on the show:

    • Nice post and I loved the cult thing. He’s telling them the truth and they’re turing it into what they want it to be. That’s happening right now and it’s just as insane. Again, Klaus is my favorite character. Lots of fun.

  6. I started watching The Umbrella Academy last week. I love it.

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