Art and the philosophy of life

Comments on: "African Violets…2 pictures…" (8)

  1. how are these flowers formed, and why do bees hover around them, why do colors attract, does in not make us all wonder, amen

    • Actually, it’s all about DNA and chemicals in the brain, for the bees. Takes a lot of fun out of it, but that’s the way life works. We aren’t miracles, we just follow what the chemicals in our brains tell us to do. We look like we do because of our genes. Just science and evolution. If DNA gets screwed up, we don’t work properly. If the chemicals in your brain get screwed up people are bi-polar, depressed, or worse. We’re just fleshy robots run by chemicals.

  2. So beautiful and delicate!

  3. Sigh sigh sigh …. GORGEOUS, Gigi! Love these!

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