Art and the philosophy of life

The Rhino House is ready…

The Stage Crew worked with the Building Crew, to design the Rhino House.  It’s quite deep, with three large stalls and one big rec room, where the rhinos can relax together.  There’s music and plenty of places for food. There are also places for their clothes.   They built it near the Rubber Duck Pond, so the rhinos could play in the water.

The Gondola knows to watch out for them.  This will be the last time the Gondola goes out, before it’s put away for the winter.  The chicklets are hoping that when they go for a ride, they’ll get to see the rhinos in the water.

Everyone’s hoping that Rosy, Runway, and Roland, like their house.   The chicklets said that they won’t mind if the rhinos eat the flowers.

Comments on: "The Rhino House is ready…" (19)

  1. Rhinos love flowers that’s for sure.

  2. Roland will be pleased as punch!

  3. Always so fun, great art and stories they never fail to draw me in.

  4. Rosy is very excited!
    She has family photos she will put on her dresser. She doesn’t need room for make-up, although often some perfume is welcomed, by others.
    Rosy has house warming gifts for Roland & runway.

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