Art and the philosophy of life

First known fossil of a Denisovan skull discovered in cave … › article › first-fossil-denisovan-skull-cave-si…


The Denisovans or Denisova hominins are an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans in the genus Homo without an agreed taxonomic name. Pending consensus on its taxonomic status, it has been referred to as Homo denisova, Homo altaiensis, or Homo sapiens denisova. Wikipedia

Did you knowThe Denisovan individuals found in Siberia carried genetic data that matches that of modern humans and is associated with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

Comments on: "Hey, they found a new species…Denisova hominins" (2)

  1. Geez.. I wonder if they’ll enroll him/her in “”..?? (just a thought) 🙃

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