Art and the philosophy of life

Indian, Child, People, Kid, Children

What are we dong?  Barbwire shouldn’t even exist.  Just having it, means something is wrong.  Human Rights violations take place every second…everywhere.  America is doing it.  Everyone is doing it.  Why do we pretend to have GROUPS who watch for those things, when the horror, across the globe,  is blatant, and nothing is done about it?

Comments on: "Childhood pictures should not look like this…" (7)

  1. Thats disgusting! So, awful! I am saddened by it all!

  2. […] via Childhood pictures should not look like this… — Rethinking Life […]

  3. It’s just horrible, no child should ever have to go threw this. Thank -you for putting this out there.

  4. We spread awareness for these issues that may not be recognized. Please follow humanrightswearethechange to show your support.

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