Art and the philosophy of life

Today is the 132nd birthday of the publisher and book shop owner, the book shop owner Sylvia Beach. Her influence and support helped some of the most popular and important authors of the 20th century. The world is a better place because she was in it and still feels the los that she has left. […]

via Happy 132nd Birthday Sylvia Beach — Waldina

Comments on: "Happy 132nd Birthday Sylvia Beach — Waldina" (6)

  1. Interesting video! Thanks for sharing this.

    • I’ve read everything I could get my hands on about Sylvia Beach and Shakespeare & Co. So fascinating. Glad you enjoyed it. That’s the time period I read about…Paris was amazing during those years.

  2. what an interesting and amazing person –

    • She was a truly amazing person. I’ve read a lot about her and she was heroic and brave, strong and just wonderful…during the war and all through her life. Fantastic woman.

  3. She looks good for 132!

  4. I think so too. She takes good care of herself and uses special creams on her skin. I mean she lives in Paris and they know how to stay young.

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