Art and the philosophy of life


If I’m reading a blurb on a book jacket, or a review on Amazon, and I see the word “Heartbreaking,” in the mix, I’m gone.  Seriously, how can “heartbreaking,”  possibly be a word that catches anyone’s attention in a GOOD way?  I’m always amazed at the books some people read.  I don’t know how they can get up in the morning.  Like there’s not enough misery in the world, on any given day, that they need to read fictional stories about more “heartbreak” and unhappiness.  HOW is that possible? And WHY?  How much suffering do some people NEED to have in their lives?  I had a book in my hand today and I saw that word on the back.  I dropped it so fast, it almost fell on the floor.

I don’t expect anyone to understand why I read the things I do either, that’s for sure.  But, “heartbreak?”  Not in a million years.


Comments on: "Books…" (2)

  1. Please do not read my latest series titled Illusions of a Perfect Life. It’s heartbreaking what I have been through. LOL
    In all seriousness though, I think people read stories like this because heartbreaking can mean inspiring. To follow a story that has heartbreak means you connect with the character you desire them to succeed in life. You go through the trauma with them then cheer them on after it is done and feel uplifted at the happy ending. The sad thing is … sometimes there is no happy ending. I am currently sharing my biography, my life story, my heartbreak. Why? Because I want people to know that even after all I have been through I am NOT a victim. If they are going through something close to what I have, they are not alone. We can become survivors! Life can go on.

    • Well said. Thank you. People definitely have their reasons for the books they choose. We identify with the characters in the stories we read, no doubt about it, and we are all inspired by different things. I’m sorry for whatever you went through. I understand that reading about what others have gone through, often gives hope to those who are going through similar things, whether fictional or biographical. That doesn’t work for everyone, but it doesn’t have to, it just as to be available for those who want it. Thank you again.

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