Art and the philosophy of life

Lee and Lois are cousins.  They are going to dance to My Funny Valentine, played on the harp.  Helen and Bunny are their backup dancers.  They have fifteen minutes to perform, so they have been timing themselves and are only two minutes over.  If they could stop laughing and tripping over Bunny, they think they would actually be under their allotted time.  They are working on it.

Comments on: "Helen, Bunny, Lee and Lois…" (18)

  1. try the cha cha dudes, you’ll move faster

  2. Lovely ♥♥

  3. Oh I love the little heart on their heads. I want some like that! ❤

  4. So cute – they have been busy.

    • Definitely busy:) The excitement is building as the day gets closer. They were making cornbread loafs in the shape of hearts. They were supposed to freeze them for the party, but they ate all of them so they have to start over.

  5. It does seem that way, doesn’t it? I can never catch up. LOL Oh well, that’s just the way it is:)

  6. Heartafire said:

    Bunny seems a little shy…he’s so tiny among the bigger “kids”. Practice makes perfect, I know they will be ready for extravaganza!

    • Now that they have practiced their steps, no one is tripping over anyone. They are doing very well and it’s a slow dance routine, so I think they’ll be okay:)

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