Art and the philosophy of life

Okay, so…the Rubber Ducks and I were watching Poirot and Miss Fisher’s Mystery because it is, after all, Tuesday night.   When the programs were over, and while I was waiting for the program on Italian to begin,  a nun, who talks about works of art, came on for a ten minute spot.  Apparently she travels to art museums all over the world and talks about one or two paintings, while sometimes giving bits of info about the artist who painted them.  I wasn’t paying much attention, because I didn’t like the pictures she chose, but then she went to Van Gogh’s museum and I love Vincent.  So she walked up to the painting of his bedroom, in the yellow house in Arles. She then describes what SHE sees and  proceeds to psychoanalyze the painting and Vincent.  The nun said that the painting was one of his favorites.  She said, Vincent had actually said what he was trying to accomplish in this work and what it meant to him


“When an artist tells you what he’s doing, don’t believe him.”

She went on to TELL US WHAT THE PICTURE REALLY MEANT.   Obviously, she knew more about Vincent and his painting, than Vincent did.  She was into how the blue doors were both shut, which I thought was pretty funny because if they had been open, or even ajar, the picture would have been more about the door blocking the view than the tiny room itself.  But then the nun would have probably said that Vincent was blocking his reality and refused to look at what was right there in front of him.  Hiding from himself his lonely life (Paul Gaugain was on his way), and the narrowness of his bed.  SEE THAT’S THE THING, WE CAN MAKE UP ANYTHING WE WANT TO AND PRETEND IT’S REAL OR MEANINGFUL.  Doors open, doors closed.  VINCENT IS THE ONLY ONE WHO KNEW WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO SAY.

Now, while I totally believe that each work of art created (no matter the medium) says something different to each person who sees it, when someone tells you not to believe what the artist has said about his/her OWN work…YOU SHOULD WALK AWAY FROM THAT PERSON, as fast as you can, and never look back.  How incredible for her, to say out loud, in front of everyone, that people shouldn’t believe what artists say about their own work!  And yes, she meant that for ALL artists.  Someone should have had one of those old fashion hooks they used to use for live stage acts in the old days, and dragged her away.

Oh, and the Italian program was fine this time:)  The nun, not so much.

Comments on: "Tuesday night…Mysteries, Vincent Van Gogh and a nun and the Italians" (24)

  1. Brilliant, Gigi!

  2. yeseventhistoowillpass said:

    My son got his Masters in Fine Art from Rutgers Mason Gross School of Art and he says the same thing…

  3. Peter Schreiner said:

    One should walk away from any nun as fast as they can.

    • Agree. My Catholic friends were terrified of the penguins when they were in Catholic school. If there was a ruler involved they were doubly afraid. They were under a lot of stress, now that I think about it. I always felt sorry for them. They always felt sorry for themselves:)

  4. Thus my frustration going to catholic schools growing up and why I still, till this day, have issues with religion.

    • Peyton is taking AP Art History next year – I hope he does not face this conundrum.

      • Well, as long as he knows he has to think for himself because what he hears is going to be made up of bits of research that is filtered through the experience and world-view of the teacher. Art is always a personal thing. The only true meaning of what the artist was doing must come from the artist. Everything else is conjecture. It has to be. Art is broken down into parts and diagramed, examined, analyzed, but normally most artists don’t think about those things when they are painting, they paint what they feel and the only person who knows what the artist is feeling is the artist. That doesn’t mean that the class isn’t interesting and there is often historical info, as to what was going on in society when the work was being done, but everyone has to decide the real meaning, the personal one, for themselves.

    • I wrote a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG response and then erased it. I think I wrote for 2 hours. Sigh. Let me just say that I hope you figure things out. Religion is frustrating, because it doesn’t make sense.

      • Hi there – sorry for the late response – I am always late these days it seems – and the newest friggin WP update is making my life miserable. I cannot respond to notifications on my desktop – they are not going thru – keep telling me to retry due to a failure. and on my iphone, my reader is not loading, which leaves the pad, but it is having trouble, as well. Anyways, I read you comment regarding art and Peyton – believe me I agree with everything you said. Who analyzes what they actually create except what comes from within the artist themselves? Quite plainly, they do what they do. and they provide much to discuss, thus art classes:)

        I hope you are staying warm – i have been holed up for three days in my office, applying and resume transmitting and proof reading my son’s big research paper….and Pee is by my side. xxxx

      • It’s awful when you can’t use your electronic stuff properly. As long as Peyton knows that going in, he will enjoy the class. 🙂 Hope you get some good job news soon. Might warm up a bit this weekend, 30, 32 degrees and the night temps might not drop below 0, so that’s good news:)

      • Okay – it is Saturday. Notifications till do not work on my desktop but it looks like my reader is finally updating….. Grrrrr……hope you are having a lovely day;). I have some pee pics I should send you….

      • Love the photographs. Thank you so very, very much:) I hope your electronics stuff gets straightened out soon. Drives me crazy when things like that happen.

  5. Fun, each to their own. Just don’t broadcast it on national TV.

  6. Uh oh, sister was at it again – !! lol! BTW, Hastings, I LOVE Hercule Poirot and the lovely Miss Fisher. Mom wants all her clothes…Woof!

  7. Bah and Blah on the nun… where does anyone get off saying such a thing.

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