Art and the philosophy of life

Mini pink carnations

Comments on: "Mini pink carnations" (15)

  1. I took photos of a PINK sunrise this morning and have on my PINK shirt. I’m so glad you have your PINK flowers! I think we like PINK and Orange bling! 😀 I love this!

  2. Reblogged this on Tell me about it and commented:
    MORE PINK Flowers Bling is thinkingPINK but she always does! ❤

  3. Reblogged this on thinkingpinkx2 and commented:
    Mini Pink, Mucho Love!

  4. These are so beautiful, I am working on a rose garden! I bought pink ones today, I haven’t planted it yet.

  5. Reblogged this on Heartafire and commented:
    I’d like to dive right into these!

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